Mr. Quinn

Social Studies Class 6th-8th

"I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it."

Thomas Jefferson

Welcome to Mr. Quinn's Homepage! Here you can find information for Social Studies grades 6-8. Make sure you check your grade section on the website for a specific book that I want all students to have. The work for all grades will be posted on the students Google Classroom. If you have any questions please email me at

For this year I will be using the Everything You Need book for our curriculum. The link below will take you to the amazon site where they sell the book. They will be given an additional textbook provided by the school or school district which they will leave in my classroom. They will also have a digital copy of the school textbook in their google drive if they would like to use it.

Supply List:

Blue/Black Pens


Three Subject Notebook


Purchase site for new Everything You Need books:

Everything You Need to Ace American History (8th and 7th Grade)

Everything You Need to Ace World History (6th Grade)