St. Mary's Elementary School

 Welcome from Miss McQuillan


Let's explore the beautiful world and share in God's action of creating.

When we see a beautiful object, a beautiful garden, or a beautiful flower, let us think that there we behold a ray of the infinite beauty of God, who has given existence to that object.'

St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

Hey, have you got a smock for art day?

Students, if you want to protect your uniform from stray paint etc. and you have an old T-shirt that you don't care about anymore, bring it in on art day so you can relax!

Check Out Some of Our Featured Displays!

Who says giraffes can't dance? Here our first graders illustrate the whimsical moves of Gerard the Giraffe!

Medium: Construction Paper Crayons

Our Second Graders create 'Gnus' after reading the story 'The Blue Gnu' using warm and cool colors for drama!

Here,third graders design their own vase still lifes in tempera. Patterns are used as a backdrop to these 'lovely leaves'.

Chalk Pastels in contrasting colors are used here to depict a 'gradient blend' of aquatic life!

Markers and water were used in these fantastical fall dreamscapes done by our sixth graders.

Here our Idyllic Acrylic Painting Club and our third graders show off their skills. 1. 'Walk in the Woods' 2. Frogs in a Pond


   St. Mary's     Metropolitan Meuseum of Art

Our eighth graders (last year) depicted their choice Saint in the method of mosaic painting in tempera.

Check out these 'Birds of Prey' rendered in Oil Pastel by our Sixth Graders!

Check out these 'Foil Reliefs' created by our Seventh Graders using glue, yarn, foil and colored Sharpies!

Winter Scenes!   Grades 1,2

Some Pastel Still Lifes on Table tops. Grade 7-8

Check out these 'Glassy' Marbles rendered with shadow in watercolor by our Eighth Graders.