Nate`s Candy Counting

I did a Candy Counting assignment. So the first step to doing my assignment was to make a spread sheet we used google classroom to make get a spread sheet. We got an M&M bag from my teacher Mrs. Sedgwick. Then we counted the M&M's by taking them all out from the bag. We got instructions for everything and it helped me create a page for this project. On this project we had to make a graph with all of my classmates M&Ms with there numbers that they counted colors under each color it has all of my classmates M&Ms counts. Everyone got an example of how it should look. We used some things to make it look good so like we put the color name the we would make the box the color that it shows. On this assignment we had to put mean median mode so instead of adding them all you can put a formula to make it easier so an example is B3:G3 that's a formula. The hardest part of this assignment was doing the percentage because we had to do long formulas. My M&M's were distributed in Cleveland. You can tell because of the percentages.

Nate R - Q4 P08: Counting Candy