Lieutenant Lawrence Jones

Lieutenant Lawrence Jones, service number:164170, served in the Royal Artillery. He died at age 26 on 22nd July 1942. He was buried at El Alamein War Cemetery, Egypt. He was the son of Jack and Laura Jones, of  Rhiwbina, Glamorgan.B.A.(Oxon). He was awarded the Military Cross., an award given for "an act or acts of exemplary gallantry during active operations against the enemy on land".

Because he is buried in El Alamein War Cemetery, we can infer that he was fighting in North Africa against the Italian army. Over 11,000 allied soldiers from the Western Desert Campaign are buried in this cemetery. 

This announcement of his Military Cross that was pubished in the newspaper. This gives us a more detailed account of his family life, he had two brothers, his father was a novelist, and he studied at Oxford University. It also tells us more about how he died, he was wounded by shell fragments and died at the dressing station. This newspaper clipping also includes a photograph, which is a rare opportunity for us to actually see what these men looked like.