What is youth ministry?

“Dear young people, you know that Christianity is not an opinion, nor does it consist of empty words. Christianity is Christ! It is a Person, a Living Person! To meet Jesus, to love him and make him loved: this is the Christian vocation.” – St. Pope John Paul II

What is youth ministry?

Who: Youth ministry is led by the youth minister, IN cooperation with the pastor and parish, WITH the vital help of the core team, FOR the youth of today, grades 6-12.

What: “Youth ministry is the response of the Christian community to the needs of young people, and the sharing of the unique gifts of the youth with the larger community.” (Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic youth Ministry. USCCB, 1997)

When: Once a week. Middle school on Sunday nights from 5:00-7:00 pm. High school on Sunday nights from 6:30-8:30 pm. High School Bible Study on Wednesday from 6:30-8:00pm.

Where: St. Mark the Evangelist’s youth center.

Why: I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that the world is getting crazier by the minute, and that young people today are facing difficulties and struggles like never before. Now, more than ever, there is a desperate need for the Gospel, the Faith, and personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus conquered sin, death, and evil. He has the power to save, but the hearts of youth need to turn towards Him and receive the love He is trying to give to them. Why youth ministry? To be quite blunt… the devil is trying his hardest to captivate the hearts of many young people and keep them far away from the light. Now is the time for the people of God respond to the call given to us in Confirmation to become soldiers for Christ and help Him to win back and keep souls out of the kingdom of darkness so that we may all live as children of God in the Kingdom of Light. Let’s not forget that there is a WAR going on that we cannot see, a spiritual war. It’s being fought for souls. It is time, now more than ever, to take up the armor of God and participate in the kingdom work of spreading the Gospel and making disciples of all nations. The need for God is present, youth ministry is a response to that need.

How: Hearts aren’t changed through programs or rules, but through people and relationships which provide meaning to why we do what we do. Youth ministry is all about relationship! In our youth ministry program, we seek to combine fun, faith, and fellowship to create a meaningful space for teenagers to be themselves and encounter Jesus through both the Core Team and their peers

Our Goals and Foundation

We have three goals in youth ministry. According to the book “Renewing the Vision, A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry”. The three goals are, “1. To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today. 2. To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community. 3. To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person”.

We have these goals, and they find their foundation in Jesus. He is Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End. In ministry, He is the beginning and end as well. Our source of strength, and our eternal goal. He is where we start, how we move forward and where we are going. 

Faith, Fun, and Fellowship


There are two kinds of faith. There is “faith”, which is believing, and there is “The Faith”, which refers to the Catholic Faith. Both kinds of faith are present in this ministry. Faith is so important because it is an integral part of who we are. We are made for a relationship with God, and “Our hearts are restless until they rest in God” (St. Augustine). We are beloved sons and daughters of God. That is who we are!! That is our never changing identity. Therefore, everything in ministry should flow from our faith… Faith is not something we do on Sundays, it is who we are. “We cannot compartmentalize the Gospel and expect it to become an integral part of anyone’s life”. Faith is the key. We must have faith in God, and live the Faith He has given us. Walking with young people in the faith journey is what we are about in youth ministry. We aren’t teaching them; we are discipling them in the Christian life.


Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life, and have it abundantly” (Jn. 10:10), and “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full” (Jn. 15:11). Jesus wants you to have joy! He wants your joy to be FULL and your life ABUNDANT!!!! So, cheer up! Smile!!! This is supposed to be FUN! It is heresy to say that we are not supposed to enjoy anything… No. God delights to delight us! Look at the beauty of creation! Look at the good gifts He gives us! St. John Bosco said, “Run, jump, have all the fun you want at the right time, but, for heaven’s sake, do not commit sin!”. Did you hear that!? Have all the fun you want, just don’t sin! So. Youth group. It should be fun. It should NOT be boring. Also, your life as a Christian… it should not be boring either. “Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure”, said St. Pope John Paul II in a homily to young people. If your life is not an adventure… start living with Christ. Jesus want union with you. He wants you to live WITH Him, not just FOR Him. So, which is it? “The thief comes to steal kill and destroy. I came that you may have life and have it abundantly” (Jn 10:10). Let’s live the abundantly joyful adventure with Christ and let that joy influence everything we do in youth group. Let’s have fun!!!


Fellowship. Similar words are communion, friendship, companionship, family… all of which are directly influenced by personal relationship. Personal relationship is a relationship between people. Young people are people. They are not aliens from another planet. They need relationship with you and with each other… and another word we use for that is fellowship. We NEED fellowship. The need for fellowship existed before sin entered into the world. It is NOT GOOD for man to be alone. We are all created to love and be loved. We need this. So, let’s cultivate these relationships and an atmosphere of fellowship. Everyone should come to youth group and feel welcomed, accepted, and valued… and they should leave youth group feeling seen, known, and loved. This is what effective fellowship can bring about. And it is precisely this that changes lives.

When we faithfully live and model the Faith, we point others to Jesus. When we live the Faith, we are living the greatest adventure, and that’s fun! When we truly live the Faith, we enter into relationship with God and fellowship with one another. These three things, Faith, Fun, and Fellowship, go hand in hand and should not be separated. They are better together, just like chocolate and peanut butter.