Letter from the Music Minister:

Everyone will sing in Heaven. Our human voices will (mysteriously) augment the angel choirs, and the music will be glorious! I don't think the nature of our voices will be any different: we will sing with the voices we have as they are today. To those of you who are convinced your voice is less than amazing, I contend that it is beautiful! If not to you, it is certainly beautiful to God. If God approves, who are we to argue?

Let singing be a meditative experience. When you open your mouth to praise, withhold your self-judgement and trust in your neighbors' kindheartedness. Focus on the text and the music. If you are not ready to make sound, just sing in your mind. Eventually the tune will come out.

Let the text of the song guide you in exploring your feelings. Like the homily is meant to guide the mind in examining the scriptures, liturgical music should unleash your emotions. So give your heart the freedom to respond. 

Let singing connect you to your neighbors at mass. Just as you listen to the shuffling and comments of the people around you to help assure you in the motions; listen and let yourself be heard! Depend on your neighbors and let them depend on you in return. Together, we make a song that is more glorious than any we could make alone.

Eventually the music stays with you. As you go about daily life these refrains will surface. They are gentle reminders, comforts & invitations to live in the Faith.

Don't let the choirs Heaven be your debut: Start singing now!

Julia Wallace


Julia is the director of music ministry at St. Mark Parish and St. Mel Parish. She is a vocalist, instrumentalist, composer and former teacher at Euclid Middle School (21-23), St. Mark (19-21), and St. Jerome (17-18). Julia's experience as a musical-liturgist in the Roman Catholic Church began in 2014 at St. Jerome. Prior to that, she was the music director at Trinity Missionary Church. Her formal education is in vocal performance & pedagogy, oboe & composition (BA, Marietta) and music education (MA, Case Western Reserve University). 
