Week of May 23, 2022


Math: In math, this week, we learned about perimeter and talked about how it is different from area. We discovered two shapes with the same perimeter can have different areas and that shapes with the same area can have different perimeters too!

Reading: This week we read a ton of poems! We talked about many elements of poetry and had fun being dramatic while we read aloud the poem “Sick” by Shel Silverstein. On Thursday we had a Poem in Your Pocket Day! Every child was given a poem with a number on it to keep in their pocket throughout the day. During the day I would call “Poem #__.” Everyone would freeze, and a student would read their “pocket poem” aloud. This was fun especially since it could be called out in the hallway or in the middle of a lesson!

Writing/Handwriting: The third graders wrote poems and their final paragraph of the week! For their paragraph, they did not have a prompt for their writing. The students were allowed to write in any genre they wanted and about anything they wanted.

Religion: In religion, this week we worked on our cards for those who were going to receive the potted plants for our service project. Sadly our plants did not grow, but we were determined to still bring sunshine to those in the assisted living facility. So we planted some already grown flowers into our pots for them. We also had a quiet prayer time this week.

Science: We started a mission to create a model of a robot that will help pull invasive species from environments. To create our models we learned about the structure of a giraffe neck and are modeling our robots after it. Since giraffe necks can reach high and low, move quickly, and a giraffe chews plants into tiny pieces, our models will need to do the same.

Odds and Ends:

Field Day: This is coming up on Thursday, June 2nd! We met with our teams on Friday to make up a cheer and to do introductions.

Last Day of School: Friday, June 3rd is the last day of school! We have an early dismissal that day at 11:15.

Photo Shoot Friday: This Friday we did a fun photo shoot in class. I will post these photos next week to our photo album for everyone to see.

Summer Art Camp: Mrs. Vetrovec is putting on outdoor art classes this summer for kids ages 6-10. If your child loves art and would like to have some fun this summer exploring their passion check out her art classes.

I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend!

~Sarah Berceau~

Week of May 16, 2022


Math: In math, this week, we learned about 2D shapes. We found out that a square can be labeled many different things! The third graders categorized shapes, named different attributes of shapes and learned a little bit about angles too!

Reading: We continued with procedural texts this week. The students got into groups and read aloud the book How To Be a Hero.

Writing/Handwriting: The students wrote their own procedural texts this week. On Thursday, we had a fun morning playing a game about simple, compound, and complex sentences. I have added a few pictures to our class photo album that you can check out.

Religion: In religion, this week we have been touching on different bible stories and performing skits of them! Our class had a ton of fun recreating a story about Abraham and the creation story.

Science: We explored what can cause an adaptive trait to become non-adaptive in animals. One way we did this was by pretending to be golden eagles scooping up their prey of marmots. The marmots lived on an glacier for awhile, but that glacier melted. They were then living on dark rock. The change in environment caused the golden eagle to see some marmots better and made others harder to see because of the color of their fur.

Odds and Ends:

Non-uniform day: Monday, May 23rd will be a non-uniform day. All SMG students have worked hard the last two months earning red tickets for outstanding behavior. We have reached our red ticket goal and have earned this non-uniform day.

Field Day: We still have some volunteer spots open for this fun filled day on June 2nd. If you are able to help out, please sign up here:

Summer Art Camp: Mrs. Vetrovec is putting on outdoor art classes this summer for kids ages 6-10. If your child loves art and would like to have some fun this summer exploring their passion check out her art classes.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

~Sarah Berceau~