Student Leadership Programme

“Every girl can be a leader” is the premise of the St. Margaret’s Student Leadership Programme which nurtures the leadership potential in every student by grooming her personal and social responsibility through various workshops, camps and conferences. Students thus have the opportunity to serve as CCA leaders, House Captains or class leaders. They also participate in the National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) Programme which is a platform for them to take on roles like Health and Environment ambassadors to lead, care and inspire their peers. 

Besides nurturing leaders, St. Margaret’s also believes in the importance of upholding a sound values system. The Life Skills programme and various experiential learning activities at St. Margaret’s raise students’ self-awareness as well as awareness of socio-emotional competencies and life skills needed for them to be effective members of the community, workforce and society.

The Student Leadership Programme uses the Kouzes-Posner’s Leadership Challenge model to encapsulate the leadership competencies that the school aims to nurture in its students. The model is based on the five Practices of Exemplary Leadership: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and last but certainly not least, they Encourage the Heart. The school nurtures the leadership potential of every child by grooming their personal / social responsibility and strength of character through opportunities at leading with coaching / mentoring.

The school’s signature Ethical Choices Programme (EtCh) aims to develop moral reasoning competencies in students though Kohlberg’s framework. It uses moral dilemmas to nurture moral courage in students, to develop them into Leaders with Moral Courage who are equipped with the knowledge and skills required to make sound moral decisions.

A leadership tracking system ensures that every student is given the opportunity to lead. Councillors, senior CCA and House Leaders (Tier 3 leaders) take the lead in various activities and projects e.g. in CCA, VIA and EtCh. They are given the opportunity to plan for school events such as Teachers’ Day Celebrations and Sec 1 Orientation programme. They also plan and execute VIA Projects for needy residents of the blocks the school has adopted.

Student Leadership Challenge Board – training arm of our student leadership body

Student Council 2022/2023

Ethical Choices Programme (EtCH) - Student leaders and Secondary 1 students having fun during an EtCH lesson where the former facilitate sessions to equip juniors with skills required to make sound moral decisions 

House captains leading cheers

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