
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. 

Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. 

And You shall renew the face of the earth!


Students in their 8th grade year at St. Luke Catholic School prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in August of their freshmen year of high school. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, a person celebrates and is sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit who strengthens them as living witnesses to their faith in Jesus. 

2023-2024 Important Dates

Confirmation Parent Meeting: Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 6:30 PM in the All Saints/Fr. McGivney Rooms.

Confirmation Retreat: Saturday, January 27, 2024 from 8:15 AM - 2:00 PM at St. Luke, beginning in Church. The retreat is required for Confirmation candidates.

Confirmation for the Class of 2024: TBD.

Confirmation Forms Flow Sheet

This is a flow chart of the forms that Confirmation Candidates will be working on this year to prepare their hearts and minds for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Mr. Mazzei will work with them to get everything they need handed in to Sr. Diane, and the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, by the end of the school year, forms and all. If an 8th grader chooses not to get confirmed, has already been confirmed, or is not Catholic, there will be alternative forms and assignments.


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Contact Sr. Diane Carollo, Director of Religious Education, at