Your Church Wedding

What makes a Christian marriage distinctive are vows that couples make, promising a depth of relationship that puts the other’s needs before our own and inviting the love of God to support and uphold a couple in their commitent to one another.

Please make contact to complete the initial forms and talk about provisional dates and times. There is rarely any problem about having a service at a date and time to suit you. The priest who will take your service will explain other legal requirements (eg the calling of ‘banns’); and what the Church part of the day will cost (usually a miniscule amount compared with what other plans for the day might involve).

The officiating priest will arrange for you to meet with him/her at intervals, to clarify arrangements and to talk some more together about your hopes and expectations for your marriage.

Shortly before the Wedding Day, there will be a rehearsal for all those involved in the service, designed to put everyone at ease prepare you to experience fully the deep significance of the ceremony itself.

St Lawrence Church is for everyone within the community. We are always glad to receive enquiries from those interested in getting married at St Lawrence. The law allows you to be married here if at least one of you:

  • is resident in the parish

  • has been regular in worship over at least six months

  • was baptised or confirmed here

  • has ever lived in the parish for six months or more

  • has at any time, regularly attended worship here for six months or more

  • if one of your parents has lived for six months or more in your lifetime or has regularly attended worship

  • if your parents or grandparents were baptised or married here

  • or you have been granted a special licence, issued only through the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Faculty Office. We can provide appropriate information.

If you have been married before and divorced

We will explore with you whether it would be appropriate for you to marry each other in a Christian ceremony. A decision is made based on three areas of enquiry:

  • whether there is now insight into what caused earlier relationships to founder, and a capacity to ‘be different’

  • whether continuing responsibilities to children or other dependents are being properly met

These area have to be explored together in confidence before other arrangements can be made.

Civil Partnerships and same-sex marriages

The law does not currently allow for civil partnerships or same-sex marriages to take place in Church of England buildings. However, that doesn't mean we don't want to support you or celebrate with you. Please do get in touch, we are an inclusive church and all are welcome whatever their personal circumstances.

For further information and advice see