
If you want to get a siren, but you can't find one or it costs t much, go to Edaan's mini sirens. Click here. If you live in Cincinnati, werden electronic place has about 20 sirens, even the ACA hurricane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




ASC T-128

This siren can reach up to 128-133.5 dB at 100ft.

ASC T-135

This siren is like the T-128, but the front of the head is bigger. It can reach up to 133.5-135 dB at 100ft.

ACA Hurricane

Whelen Vortex

ACA P-10 (P-15)

ACA Allertor

very strangešŸ¤”

Sentry Defender

ASC T-121

Chrysler Air Raid Siren





Hamilton County safety logo thing on ASC T-128 batteries.(Screen shot from Google satellite.)

ASC logo on ASC T-128 batteries in Cincinnati Ohio. (I don't know why its not the Hamilton County safety logo thing.) (Screen shot from Google satellite/street view.)

ASC T-128 siren batteries with long blue logo Cincinnati Ohio. (Screen shot from Google satellite.)

FS-2001 Siren Batteries

FS-SD 10


ATI HPSS 16R Siren

ASC T-128 siren batteries all in one

Image can't upload and copy looks bad and is restricted at school. Try this. ASC T-128 siren new design. Logo new and sloped horns. Try this too. Now image worked. Look below.

Whelen Hornet