
September 14, 2023

This is Me

"Who am I" , a question I don't know the full answer to. I know my name and my family and my friends, and I know the things I like, but is that all of who I am. I am more than that. The first thing I thought I would ever do was be a vet cause I love animals,  but I don't like to see blood. Then I thought I could be a dancer, I used to dance for 5 year but then I broke my arm and I never went back to dancing because it didn't make me happy to dance and have to follow directions. Then I wanted to be an artist, Everyone complements me on drawings I don't really know if they look good but it's always fun to get lost in art. But when my parents wanted me to think about my future I figured that I should use all my skills. I still don't know exactly who I am but I do not who I'm not. "Who am I" ,I do know some things about me I am I know I am an animal lover, I know I love my family and friend. I am me and I will change as I grow.

Christmas 2023

March 27, 2024

Elyssa Kist - Where Should You Live_.pdf