

Rubric for grading (each class is worth 20 points)

4 3 2 1


Student participates and Student is usually on Student is somewhat Student chooses not to

is fully engaged in the task and almost always engaged ,rarely on task. put effort into activity.

activity and is listening to listens to instructor the Student needs frequent Student needs constant

and following the teachers first time instructions reminders to stay on reminders to stay on task.

instruction. is given. task.


Student is very encouraging Student is somewhat en- Student is not encouraging Student is not encouraging

and helps and assists other couraging and does help to other students. Student Puts other students down or

students. Student is open to other students. Student has a negative attitude and does not allow student to

receiving and giving advice. has a positive attitude does not like to help others. participate by hogging or

and allows everyone to controlling his position to

participate. avoid players from playing.


Student is respectful to others. Student is usually respect- Student is somewhat re- Student is disrespectful to

Follows directions, listens to ful to others. Follows spectful. Student does not other classmates. Does not

instructor and obeys all safety directions and obey most always follow directions follow directions and is con-

rules. Does not talk while safety rules. Sometimes the first time and breaks stantly breaking safety rules.

teacher is talking. talks while the teacher some of the safety rules. Talking and disruptive in

is talking. Talking while the teacher the class.

is talking.


Student is wearing the proper Student is wearing the Student is missing two Student forgot to wear his/

Gym Uniform per the school's wrong socks or missing or more items of his/her her Gym uniform.

dress code. part of his/ her uniform. Gym uniform.


Students has a full understanding Student has a good under- Student knows a some of Student has no understanding

rules and concepts of the sport standing of the rules and rules and concepts of the of the rules and concepts of

or activity the class is parforming concepts of the activity of the sport or activity the the sport or activity the class

the class is performing. class is participating in, is participating in.