
DRAFT Middle School WIN Choiceboard Options

Quarter  4- WIN/FLEX 

Capstone Slides

8th Grade Capstone 

The slide show at the right are the steps  students have been given to accomplish their capstone project. A survey will be given on April 30th to determine groups. Mentors will be given to students on May 1st. 

**Presentations will be May 28th-31st**

Quarter  3- Mathematics WIN 

Bridge Building 

During WIN/Flex Students who would like to participate will be grouped together to design and create bridges using popsicle sticks, tooth picks and Elmer's glue.  Specs are below to help start designing :-)

If you're interested and not in the group please let Mrs.Putvain or Mrs. Fallon know ASAP!

Save the date: Saturday, March 23rd

Specs for Bridge Building.pdf

Quarter 2 - Mathematics WIN 

WIN-Focus for December

-Coordinate Plane

-Graphing points on a one and four quadrant plane.

-finding points on a coordinate plane

-Number Fluency 

-Addition/Subtraction with positive and negative   numbers

-Multiply/Divide with positive and negative numbers


-Engage NY(Worksheet Form) /Khan Academy 

-Freckle (Coordinate System & Number System)

Quarter 1- Mathematics WIN 

Full packet Dream Vacation Guide and Links.pdf
Outline of Itinerary and Cost

Budget a Vacation

Week of 10/16- Start researching and looking at the resources given to you about a dream vacation.  Based on the article in the link answer the two questions on page one.  ( Step 1- 4)

Week of 10/23- Finish up research about your location .

Week of 11/3- Put together important information that someone would need to decide whether your vacation spot is the place they would pick. 

Due by 11/9- A brochure or Pamphlet of you vacation with a day to day itinerary .

<-- An example of a way to organize cost and day to day activities

<-- This is an example of what a Pamphlet would look like.