Green Schools
St. Joseph's N.S. is very proud to be a part of Ireland’s Green School Programme. Green-Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools. It promotes long-term, whole-school action for the environment. It is a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce (FEE member for Ireland). Green Schools is well under well way this year with our committee focusing on the theme of Global Citizenship.
St. Joseph's N.S. is very proud to be a part of Ireland’s Green School Programme. Green-Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools. It promotes long-term, whole-school action for the environment. It is a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce (FEE member for Ireland). Green Schools is well under well way this year with our committee focusing on the theme of Global Citizenship.
Our committee comprises of children from 2nd to 6th Class. They regularly meet with Ms. Kearney, our Green Schools Coordinator to help plan activities to promote the theme of Global Citizenship, Litter & Waste along with revision of our five other themes.
Our committee comprises of children from 2nd to 6th Class. They regularly meet with Ms. Kearney, our Green Schools Coordinator to help plan activities to promote the theme of Global Citizenship, Litter & Waste along with revision of our five other themes.
So far our school has won flags for:
So far our school has won flags for:
Litter and Waste-Litter & Waste is the first theme. It focuses on litter and waste issues, encouraging a sense of responsibility
Litter and Waste-Litter & Waste is the first theme. It focuses on litter and waste issues, encouraging a sense of responsibility
Energy-Energy looks at the steps which can be taken at school to reduce energy consumption and raise awareness of climate change.
Energy-Energy looks at the steps which can be taken at school to reduce energy consumption and raise awareness of climate change.
Water-This theme develops awareness around water conservation and how to effectively manage this important resource in schools
Water-This theme develops awareness around water conservation and how to effectively manage this important resource in schools
Travel-This theme aims to increase the number of students walking, cycling, scooting, using public transport or carpooling to school.
Travel-This theme aims to increase the number of students walking, cycling, scooting, using public transport or carpooling to school.
Biodiversity-Biodiversity looks at increasing awareness in schools of the importance of native plants, animals and habitats
Biodiversity-Biodiversity looks at increasing awareness in schools of the importance of native plants, animals and habitats
We are working on our sixth flag-Global Citizenship, Litter and Waste.
We are working on our sixth flag-Global Citizenship, Litter and Waste.
Our motto is: Don’t be mean! Keep the earth clean.
Our motto is: Don’t be mean! Keep the earth clean.