A - 14th Ordinary

Christ's Burdens

We looked ahead to the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) this week, and Jesus's encouraging message, "My yoke is easy and my burden light."  He is sharing with the crowds that life lived through the lens of the Good News is lighter and brighter than life lived without it.

The important message for our children this week is that Christ does not say, "I have no yoke" or "With me, there are no burdens".  Life is challenging and there are many difficulties that can weigh us down, even as Christians.  This is a very normal experience.  However, with the confidence and assurance that faith can offer, we are far better equipped to carry our burdens with the grace of God.

A stitch in time...

Year 5 have been making links across DT and history this week. They have been learning about The Battle of Hastings, the Bayeux Tapestry and the story it tells. Year 5 have been using their sewing skills (back, running and cross stitch) to make a tile of their own story which will be sewn together to make a Year 5 tapestry.  Watch this space... 

Sporting St Joe's

It's been an exciting couple of weeks of sport at St Joseph's, with both Infant and Junior Sport Days being held in successfully sunny weather and to great acclaim!  Many thanks to all involved.  The final scores are now in, with Iona winning for Infants, Lindisfarne taking the gold in Juniors and Lindisfarne achieivng the highest overall total!  A fantastic result. 

Canterbury Iona Lindisfarne Walsingham

Infants 1258 1402 1226 1321

Juniors 2626 3032 3460 2761

Overall 3884 4434 4686 4082

Star Programers 

In Year 1’s final Computing unit of the year, we recapped our programming of Beebots from the Autumn term and used this to support in writing algorithms on Scratch Jr. After getting to grips with how everything worked, the children were challenged to write and de-bug a programme to make rockets fly into space. I’m sure you’ll agree there were some pretty good rocked designs! There were also some very crazy flight paths, too! 

Down on the Farm

This week the children LOVED our trip to Bocketts Farm!

We saw so many different animals: pigs, cows, goats, sheep.... Some of the highlights were the tractor ride, pig race and getting to feed some sheep. 

We are all so proud of Reception's first trip out!

Leavers' Lunch

To celebrate their time at St Joseph's, a delicious leavers' lunch was served up to Year 6 by their teachers.The hall was decorated beautifully and music filled the air. Thank you to the Kitchen staff, Mrs Galvin and Mrs Le Vallee for helping to organise this experience for Year 6.

On your marks...

The Nursery children performed admirably at this year's sports day. Fortunately, the weather remained dry and temperate.  Not only did the children compete in the egg and spoon race, the running race and the hurdle race, but the parents enjoyed the mum and dad race, the toddlers enjoyed a race, and the teachers competed in an egg and spoon race (with some cheating)!

Thank you to everyone who assisted, participated, and cheered on the children. You all helped to make it a very special day. 

All Around the World

In year 6, as part of our Geography work, we have started a new mapping unit. We started the session by recapping the different seas and continents and then locating different human and physical features on a map. We then looked at different types of projections from cartographers and the information they provide. From this, we used our atlases to locate specific information as well as created a fact file for each of the continents. 

After this, we moved on to how scale is used on a map and how to calculate distances and the techniques used for a straight line (as the crow flies) or along a specific route. It was trickier than it looked and lots of maths was involved! 

Year 3 Ancient Egyptian Activities

Investigations into life in Ancient Egyptian times have kept Year 3 busy this week. Children were invited to consider the question, “How do we know so much about Ancient Egypt?” They shared their own thoughts and ideas during discussions and were then introduced to artefacts which have enabled historians to gain a better understanding. The fun got underway with a carousel of activities including making clay models of the Rosetta Stone, creating their own papyrus, cracking hieroglyphic codes and using Chromebooks to research Egyptian treasures and the archeologists  who discovered the tombs in the pyramids. This new found knowledge enabled the children to link their learning about Ancient Egypt to their Stone Age topic and identify similarities between the Egyptians hieroglyphics and the cave paintings from the Stone Age, recognising how people in the past used symbols to create their own language,  allowing them to communicate and giving us an insight into their lives. 

Finding the answers

In Maths we have been recapping some of the essential skills that the children need to embed before moving in to Year 3. There is no better way to do this than with practical activities that get the children outside and running around. Children learn better standing up and moving around!

We therefore did a number sentence hunt around the playground. The children had to find the number sentences, copy them down and show their workings by drawing tens and ones. No drawings? No points!

It was so much fun that even the Year One children joined in at playtime!

First Holy Communion Celebration

Our deepest congratulations to these young people who have all received their First Holy Communion in recent  weeks.  We pray that your participating in this sacrament will bring you ever closer to the person of Christ and help you to reveal his light to others.  God bless you all.  

What's on locally?

WSV Show 2023.pdf
KOOSA Kids Summer Holiday Club Brochure - St Joseph's Primary School in Guildford.pdf