A - Christ the King

Christ in all

This week, we looked ahead to the end of the Church's year - the solemnity of Christ the King.  We have heard, for many weeks now, what the Kingdom of God is like.  Now, Jesus tells us that he will return, at the end of time, to divide all people (like a shepherd divides sheep from goats) to invite those who have responded to his Word to join him in his heavenly kingdom.

We are told that whenever we take care to treat our neighbour with love, respect and dignity, we do the same for Christ.  Equally, this powerful image can help our young people to develop a clearer sense of God's hand at work in their own lives.  If we can learn to see God in the work of others, we may be able to find greater confidence and comfort in our faith.  Knowing that God comes to us through our parents, friends and teachers is a very real way to feel His love for us. 

Jazzing It Up in Year 6

The corridors have been ringing out with beautiful sounds this week as Year 6 have been mastering their music skills!  We’ve been working through a scheme of work called Classroom Jazz, designed to enable the children to understand musical concepts and hone their improvisation, composition and performance skills.  The focus has been on familiarisation with the piano keyboard, learning specifically about the notes in the C Major scale, note values and how to use a stave.  The children had a fantastic time performing their own compositions at the end of the day!

Balloon Science

This week in Science, Year 5 we were investigating why we have day and night due to the movement of the Earth around the Sun. Children were given a balloon and a torch to represent certain times of the day and to show the position of the Sun relative to the UK. The children really enjoyed  the novel way to model day and night with a torch and a balloon.  They will continue to retrieve and rehearse the facts they have understood in the weeks ahead.  

Computer Design

In Year 4 this week, we each had an exciting day of Computing. Having begun our Computing last half-term, learning about photo editing, it was an interesting change to be designing our own wrapping paper.

The children had to use their knowledge from the Year 3 Maths curriculum to create repeating patterns using properties of shapes, including remembering their learning about angles and how many sides each shape has. We also enjoyed figuring out how to make the shapes larger or smaller.

There was lots to learn, and many of the children were keen to continue using the website at home. Perhaps we have some young graphic designers in the making!

Healthy Snacks

On Tuesday, Year 3

The verdict was DELICIOUS!

Girls' Brigade

Congratulations to Imogen, who was proud to achieve the “engagement” trophy at Girls’ Brigade this week.  It is awarded for always joining in, being positive and attending regularly - and Imogen gets to keep the trophy for a whole year!

Girls’ Brigade is a church-run organisation (much like Brownies) where they work towards badges and tasks, as well as attending camp and helping others.   Well done Imogen! 

Black & White

Continuing our unit on portraits, Year 1 have been exploring different mediums to use when drawing, and the effect this has on the outcome. This week, they were challenged to use charcoal. There were mixed emotions around this as many had never seen or used it before. Some children were surprised that there wouldn't be any colours to choose from - only black!  We explored the different parts of charcoal that could be used to create thicker/thinner/lighter/darker lines, and the effect that smudging could have on our creations.

The children were then challenged with re-creating a full body portrait of either King Henry VIII or Queen Elizabeth I, looking carefully at the body shapes and adding detail without adding colour. I'm sure you'll agree that we certainly have some budding artists in the making!

We can't go over it, we can't go under it...

We're going on a Bear Hunt! In PE this week, the Reception children got to experience their own bear hunt. Can't go over it, can't go under it...? Well Reception can! 

Look out for bears around school next week! 


This week in Nursery the children have been busy exploring colour. They have been using water colour paints to investigate how different colours can be made and they have enjoyed the different experience of using water colours. This is a great activity to develop a child’s imagination, creativity and their ability to use media and materials which covers expressive arts and design in addition to developing their fine motor skills. 

What's on locally?

KOOSA Kids Autumn Winter Holiday Clubs at St. Joseph's Primary, Guildford.pdf