Guildford Schools Swimming Gala - Trials

It's coming up to that time of year again: if any child in Years 4, 5 or 6 would like to have a trial for the swim team in May, then please come and get a letter from Miss Nicholls. Competitors must be able to swim safely and confidently across a distance of 25m minimum. Trials are taking place at 1pm on Saturday 7th March at Godalming Leisure Centre. Because this is a competition, trials will be timed. For more details, see Miss Nicholls.

Obedient 6U

We were led in worship this morning by St Ursula's Class on the important theme of obedience. We discovered how valuable rules and laws are in keeping each other safe and healthy - ensuring every person has a fair experience. Year 6 went on to explain that famous stories from the Bible can teach us a huge amount about the challenge that obedience offers: Noah was ridiculed and mocked for his obedience and Abraham's obedience nearly cost him his son! Ultimately, we must choose obedience to God's law of love, not because we fear him but because we know in our hearts that we are called to serve one another.

Football Legends

The Year 6 football team had a wonderful afternoon at the Chelsea Foundation Premier League tournament today. In the group stage they didn't lose a game, winning 2 and narrowly drawing a game which they could have won but luck didn't go their way (plus some super saves from the opposition's keeper!) Nevertheless, this meant that they progressed to the semi-final against St. Polycarp's. After being on top of the game and having most of the possession, St Joseph's just couldn't find that winning goal - the game ended 0-0 at normal time. Unluckily for us, in the last few minutes of extra time, St. Polycarp's managed to score two quick goals. We could not have done anymore in the semi final; we played our hearts out. We are so proud of every single player that represented the school today. Well done all!

The Flames!

Yesterday morning, in Year 6, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Guildford Flames Ice Hockey team, who came to spread the news of their Drugs Freeze programme. They explained to us the impact that drugs can have on our bodies and the importance of making healthy choices. They have really supported our Science learning and we are very grateful to them for giving up their time. We even got to try on some of their Ice Hockey kit!

Year 6


Great fun to see Reception children playing with a new invention today - Numicars! It made me smile to see these oddly built cars being used to support children match the numerals to their associated Numicon values. It's an important reminder that numbers are so much more than squiggles on a page and that children need a robust mental grip of what each numeral represents as a value in order to grow into a confident, competent mathematician. Great work Year R!

A - 6th Ordinary

The law of love

Our worship this week focuses on the Gospel for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A. Jesus tells his followers, "I have come to complete the law." We're asking children this week to consider the importance of rules, laws and instructions in their own lives. Do they always follow the rules? Why are some rules harder to abide by than others? We had a visit from a very bossy police officer who helped us to realise that God doesn't want us to follow the rules just because they're the rules but because we know they're the right thing to do. We are called live by a law of love.

The Rainbow Fish

Last week, Year 1 began looking at the beautiful story of 'The Rainbow Fish'. Using hot seating, the children transformed into the rainbow fish (with a little help from a sequined costume!) and retold the story. They also thought about the choices in the story, for example, 'Why did the Rainbow Fish not want to share his scales in the first place?'

What a wonderful hook into storytelling!

A Green

5R's Role Models

5R led the school in worship morning, sharing with us their thoughts about roles models (the rich and famous ones as well as the everyday ones). We came to understand that there are role models all around us: some lead nations, others follow their dreams and some even cook our dinners! 5R helped us to see that we all need role models, but more than that, we all are role models for different people in our lives. The way we behave, the values we hold and the example we set will help to give the world a taste of the Good News. So who will feed us as we give others a flavour of God's love? - 5R couldn't end without encouraging us to turn to Jesus as our ultimate teacher and role model. A beautiful worship to end the week.

RRS Right of the Month

February’s ‘Right of the Month’ is:

Article 4: Implementation of the Convention, you have the right to have your rights made a reality and honoured.

During this month, we celebrate Social Justice Day on the 20th February.

This day aims to promote an end to poverty and improve social integration. A theme is set each year and this year's theme is “Closing the Inequalities Gap to Achieve Social Justice”. Social justice is important so that nations can exist peacefully alongside one another. When we promote gender equality, or the rights of indigenous peoples and migrants, we improve social justice because we remove barriers that people face because of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability.

Archie the Teddy!

Yesterday, Year 1 were busy finding out a way to keep Archie the Teddy dry from the rain! They were using a variety of skills to experiment with different materials, aiming to create the perfect umbrella.

First, they considered the design, then carefully spent time making the product before putting it to the test! Archie's umbrellas came in all shapes and sizes and he escaped getting wet in the rain (most of the time!)

What great work, Year 1!

A Green

NSPCC Workshops

Today Year 5 were treated to a workshop with Jane and Millie from the NSPCC. The children were reminded of the different types of abuse and how they have the right to be safe (Article 19 of the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child). The children discussed the different types of abuse before examining different scenarios and whether they were okay or not okay as well as how these scenarios may make the child feel. It was wonderful to see the children so engaged and confident in sharing their understanding of such important issues. Our friends from the NSPCC are coming back tomorrow to deliver the same workshops to children in Year 6.

Fabulous Fractions

I was marveling at some fabulous fraction work going on in Year 4 today. Children had been using sets of objects to help solidify an understanding of parts and wholes. The whole set of objects being used to represent the denominator and a distinguishing feature being used to represent the numerator. A highly visual and creative way of ensuring children have a robust understanding of what the parts of a fraction actually represent and tell us. Great work Year 4!

A - 5th Ordinary

A Taste of the Gospel

This week's Gospel focus (5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A) examines how we are role models for the community around us. Jesus says to his disciples, "You are the salt of the earth." Are we giving others a flavour of the Good News? - Can our community taste the love of God in our actions? We want the children this week to consider how they act as a role model to others; perhaps in their behaviour, their attitude, their standard of work or dress, their sincerity in prayer, the strength of their voice in praise? There are many ways we can give others a flavour of our faith in action.

Awe and Wonder!

On Friday morning, St Vincent's class shared a truly AWEsome worship with us, all about the AWE and WONDER of our world. From the very beginning, the class captivated us with their many talents (musical instruments, dance, singing) demonstrating such courage and passion. They then focused on the many wonders around our world - big and small - and how we can show our appreciation.

Most importantly, the children then shared some of Jesus' miracles and how he has shown us true AWE and WONDER.

3V really did offer a showstopping performance! Well done!

Holocaust Memorial

A special "Thank You" to Freyia in Year 6 for sending this in:

On Wednesday 29th January, I went to a Holocaust Memorial event at the University of Surrey. The theme was “Stand Together”. My favourite part was the performance by the Guildford School of Acting, an excerpt from Anne Frank’s Diary (the book I am currently reading). The story is about a girl who goes into hiding during World War II. She hides because the Nazis at that time were persecuting Jews (she was a Jew). The performance was very touching and so too was a song called, “Bring Him Home” by the Jewish Society Singers. I was also amazed by the poems written and performed by some students from Kings College. The poems were about recognising the wrongs of discrimination. They call for accepting differences and respecting each other. When I went to light a candle at the end, I was moved by the strong sense of “Stand Together” among the different people there, including Rabbi Goldberg, the Bishop of Guildford and Beatrice Gould (a holocaust survivor). I have learned why remembering holocaust is so important and I am so blessed to live in a country of peace.

Out of this world!

Our wonderful Year 5 children have been incredibly busy creating their very own solar systems! We've had cardboard creations, pom pom presentations and glow in the dark spectaculars, all demonstrating the children's understanding of their learning about Space! Please enjoy looking through the children's work. Can you recognise the planets?

A Green

Star in a Jar

Our Infant children were treated to a performance of The Star in the Jar by the Pied Piper Theatre Company this morning. They sat enthralled as the visiting actors told the story of how a lonely star had fallen to earth to be found in a sandpit by three year old Sam. Desperate to keep it, he and his sister embarked on a series of adventures with the star, finally realising that the best place for it was back in the night sky. After several unsuccessful attempts, the siblings found an ingenious way to return the star to where it belonged. Ask your child how they managed it...

Netball News

On Saturday 25th January, nine Year 5 children represented the school at the annual Rydes Hill Netball Tournament. This is always a tough tournament (with 7 out of the 9 teams who compete from local independent schools). However, the girls did a tremendous job and were complimented by the Mrs Norville (the Headmistress at Rydes Hill) for their courtesy and team spirit.

One of the highlights on Saturday was a game against Queen Eleanor's, who are very skilled players and have beaten us before. However, our girls rose to the challenge and played an excellent game, ending in a draw against them.

A big well done to the girls - it was a brilliant experience for them - and thank you to the parents and staff for supporting them on a Saturday!

A - Presentation of the Lord

What do your eyes see?

Eyes is the theme of this week's worship as we celebrate The Presentation of the Lord. Mary and Joseph follow the Hebrew custom of presenting their first born baby boy at the temple, forty days after his birth. During the occasion they meet Simeon, who has dedicated his life to prayer and worship in eager anticipation of the Messiah's arrival. He is overjoyed by the meeting, declaring, "Lord, my eyes have seen your salvation!"

This week we want to support the children to consider the remarkable things they can see with their eyes: not just a piece of litter but a chance to serve, not just a bat and ball but an opportunity to share, not just a school building but a little glimpse of heaven on earth.

Shining bright!

St Hilda's class brightened our morning today, as they led us in a shining class worship all about our 'light'. They used singing, acting and Scripture to show us that, just as plants and trees need light to physically grow, we need Jesus' light to spiritually grow.

The children reminded us that there are many times in our everyday life where we can show how we are shining bright - like offering someone a compliment or helping someone when they have dropped something. By doing these things, we are spreading the light of Jesus.

Thank you, 2H, for an inspiring worship this morning.

A Green

Speak out. Stay safe.

This morning, we were visited by Mandy and Buddy (the mascot) from the NSPCC, who came to share with us how we can ensure we keep ourselves safe and happy. There were many important messages about how we can make sure our rights are respected and who our trusted adults are.

With the help of our wonderful RRS Steering Group, we have decided to raise money for the NSPCC so that they can continue helping children all over the country to stay safe.

On Friday 31st January, we will be taking part in our own mini 'Olympic Games', inspired by the Tokyo Olympics this year. Each child will be coming home with a sponsor form to fundraise for this important cause.

Please do speak to your children at home about our visit from the NSPCC today.

A Green

Year 5 Football

A huge well done to the Year 5 A and B Football Teams for such successful games yesterday afternoon.

St Joseph's played against Queen Eleanor's; there was excellent sportsmanship shown from both sides.

With a narrow loss of 2-1 in one game, and a victory of 6-1 in another, both teams worked incredibly hard and, as you can see from the picture, thoroughly enjoyed it!

Thank you to QE for coming and playing so well.

A Green

The wonder of the human body...

Today in Science, we were lucky enough to have been visited by Dr. Cochrane, who helped to expand our knowledge on the circulatory system, blood vessels and the blood itself.

We were fascinated with his facts, including:

- The heart beat sound is in fact the valves closing,

- All the blood vessels in our body would wrap around the world twice!

- People who live at the top of mountains have more red blood cells than people at the bottom,

- Adults make 2 million red blood cells every second.

Thank you so much for sharing your invaluable knowledge with us; we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! Year 6

Athletic Action!

Last week was a busy one for the Sportshall teams in Key Stage 2 with Years 5 and 6 attending the event on Monday and Years 3 and 4 later in the week. With the teams ranking 4th and 7th respectively. The children threw themselves into the indoor athletics competition - agility, balance and speed all being tested as part of the event. As ever, reports from school staff and others attending the fixture heaped praise on the children for their sportsmanship, compassion and determination. Great job team!

What a French lesson!

4J had a wonderful French lesson this afternoon as they were transported to a French shopping experience in their very own classroom! There were shopkeepers selling things like flowers, fruit, vegetables, bread and meat, with customers rehearsing their spoken French to buy the items. The children were fully immersed in the experience - what a wonderful way to practise!

A Green

Let your light shine!

The theme of our Gospel focus for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) is light. As Jesus' ministry begins, he appears preaching and healing on the shores of Lake Galilee, calling his first disciples. It is a time of great enlightenment as, little by little, the community come to recognise Jesus as the light of the world. The Gospel writer (Matthew) tells us this early ministry fulfills the scripture as, "The people in darkness have seen a great light." We're asking children this week to consider when their light shines - when are they at their brightest? Much like our shining school logo, the light of Christ shows us the way, reveals the truth and generates life.

A - 3rd Ordinary

Responsibility in 4C

A powerful worship this morning from St Columba's Class, to conclude our week's focus on the Baptism of the Lord. The children spoke about the special jobs were are all called to performed and the responsibility that sits on our shoulders to heed the call of the Lord, much like Moses, Joseph and Jonah before us. From the everyday things - like picking up litter - to the more public ministries (leading a nation) we all have a unique part to play in responding to our vocations to establish a little bit of heaven on earth. Thank you 4C for such an inspiring and uplifting worship this morning!

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre!

Wow! What a trip to Shakespeare's Globe theatre on Thursday!

Touring around the theatre itself, the children were able to go to the tiring area and discover the tricks of the trade. There were trap doors, astrology signals and viewing flaps. Year 6 then burst through the stage doors to perform a line from Macbeth on the infamous stage! The children found out about the history of the Globe and how the audience are always part of the plays themselves.

To really engage with the play of Macbeth, they then took part in a drama workshop, led by the actors and directors themselves. Year 6 created the gruesome scene of Macbeth and Banquo meeting the witches, and they were incredibly convincing!

Thank you all for an inspiring day!

A Green

Pilgrimage to Lourdes?

The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton are preparing for the annual Lourdes Pilgrimage in July 2020. They warmly invite you to consider whether this is an opportunity that you and your family might enjoy? - The Pilgrimage Coordinators tell us, "Some families come because they have a sick parent or grandparent and perhaps they are unable to go away without the extra support we can give them. Occasionally we have a child who has particular need and the family wish to take them away with others who will accept them without judgement. Equally we have families who want to take some time out from the stresses and strains of life and to be with other like-minded families." The team are keen to stress that finance doesn't need to be a barrier. Please watch this beautiful video to find out more or visit

Origami Challenge!

I promised I would show the children how to make an origami dove this week. As origami goes, it's a fairly achievable model (I promise!) There's one particularly tricky fold but I've tried to repeat it a couple of times on the video so you can see exactly what to do. Top tip: never expect to get it perfect first time. It takes practice, patience and perseverance to really perfect an origami model. Don't give up!


A healthy New Year!

Numerous staff have commented over recent days on the wave of healthy, hearty lunches that have been appearing over the last term. Some great examples of healthy lunch boxes have been spotted across the school and we managed to get a snap of Joshua's before it was devoured! There have been a number of healthy alternatives to birthday celebrations appearing too, especially popular has been the option of fruit kebabs. It's great to see our children embracing healthier lifestyles and enjoying their food!

A humbling visitor...

This morning, we were very lucky to have Sister Marianna visit our school and talk all about her vocation, as a nun from the St. Ursula's convent in Poland.

She told us all about how she was called my God many times and didn't believe it, until a priest on pilgrimage said to her "Follow me." She said that she knew she was never 100% happy, until she made her vows to devote her life to God.

Interestingly, when asked about undertaking her vows, she never saw it as a hardship or sacrifice but as a moment of true happiness; she would follow God with her heart and anything that came with that was never going to be a challenge.

This is particularly poignant with our Gospel theme this week, as we have all been chosen by God. We are all unique and remember that we all have been called by God to do something in our life.

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us!

A - Baptism of the Lord

Being Chosen

Being chosen is the theme of this week's worship, as we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. Sadly, there were a number of disappointed faces on the way out of assembly today, having not won the origami dove in our assembly raffle. However, the bigger message for children to take away is that life is not like today's raffle - we have all already been chosen! God has a particular mission for each and everyone one of us (much like the encouraging words of Saint John Henry Newman). Our own baptisms are one way that we (or our parents) choose God for us - committing us to taking on that special mission. This week we're asking children to consider what special jobs God might have chosen for them.

A Science Spectacular!

Lucy from GenieLab Science Club delivered an incredibly exciting assembly to KS2 today! She demonstrated a variety of Science experiments with helium, oxygen, washing up liquid and even fire! The children were shown how clouds and rain are formed and how fire can spread through flammable materials, linking back to the Great Fire of London.

It was a thrilling and captivating assembly; please do ask your children about what they experienced!

Thank you to Lucy for coming in to share this with us.

A Green

Welcome to the Winter Wonderland!

You would not recognise the Year 1 classrooms and Infant library today: they have been transformed into Winter Wonderlands! From the moment the children came into school this morning, they have been on a journey, exploring a variety of aspects of the Curriculum through the theme of 'Winter'. We've had snowmen biscuit decorating, igloo building, ice balloon melting, winter stories, paper snowflakes and so much more! What a day!

Please enjoy looking through the pictures...

A Green

RRS Right of the Month

January’s ‘Right of the Month’ is:

Article 14: Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

During this month we celebrate World Religion Day on the 19th January. This is a day to recognise, respect and accept the many differing faiths across the globe.

We are so lucky to have a common faith that binds us together at St Joseph’s. However, we recognise that we are a diverse global community and we welcome and celebrate our differences.

A different kind of New Year!

What a pleasure and privilege it was to be invited to the Guildford Malayalee Association's celebration of Christmas and New Year, held this weekend. I was transported to India for the afternoon, to enjoy the music, food, culture and company of so many families I know through the Catholic Parish of Guildford. It was beautiful to see students from St Joseph's (both young and old) taking a leading role in the celebrations. The children shared their traditions with pride and confidence, helping me to appreciate what a vibrant community we have here in Guildford. It was an honour to be in attendance.

The greatest gift

We're starting a new term but ending the same celebration this week by marking the Feast of the Epiphany. It's a great opportunity for children to consider the importance, value and variety of gifts in all their different forms. We discussed the meaning of the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus but explored the most important gift of them all - Jesus himself. This week we're encouraging children to consider what gifts they have to offer the Lord, and how they can use their gifts from God to transform the lives of those around them.

A - Epiphany

A New Year, A New Look

Massive thanks to Alison Stafford and the PFSA for masterminding the beautiful and professional new look in the Main Entrance. The school is looking extremely fresh and vibrant this New Year thanks to the time and energy Alison has dedicated to the project (and all at a very reasonable cost to the PFSA coffers too). The school is indebted to parents who go the extra mile to make a difference to the community. If you think you have the skills and time to help make improvements around the site, please do get in touch!

A great result for Koosa!

Ofsted made a visit to Koosa before the Christmas holidays and I was delighted to read their glowing report. It is a testament to the brilliant level of care, commitment and fun the team bring to the lives of so many of our children at breakfast, after school and holiday clubs. The outcome "Met" is the only possible pass mark these days for providers like Koosa (which doesn't seem to do the team justice). However, it's a strong result and one worth celebrating!

EYR Inspection Report EIF.PDF