
6th Grade

A people of God (the Old Testament) - Some of the key ideas and themes that we will study this year are the following: How to read and understand the Old Testament; God's Revelation in stages; the goodness of creation and how evil entered into the world; the creation of the human person as body and soul; typology; covenant; the sources of our faith as both Scripture and Tradition; the sacraments, grace, and the practice of prayer

7th Grade

The New Testament - Some of the key ideas and themes that we will study this year are the following: How God's covenants extend to all people; God as faithful and worthy of our trust; Scripture and Tradition as sources of Revelation; the four evangelists and their Gospels; the Incarnation and the life and mission of Jesus Christ as our Redeemer; the mission of the Holy Spirit both in the Church and in our souls; apostolic succession and the structure of the Church; our call to Christian discipleship; the history of the Church; the last things; principles of Catholic social teaching

8th Grade

The Holy Spirit and the Church - Some of the key ideas and themes that we will study this year are the following: The meaning of human life in light of the last things and the mystery of Jesus; how Jesus’ life and teaching gave human form to God’s compassion; the major points of division that separated the reformers and the Roman Catholic Tradition and led to the Protestant Reformation; Explains the history of the Order of the Mass; Identifies the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a major resource; the role of the Church in God’s. plan; what it means that the Church is the Body of Christ; what is faith and how does it relate to morality; Discuss the ways we can preserve and grow our Faith; Determines that Christ is present in the sacramental life of the Church; Illustrates the importance of the Eucharist to our whole worship experience (CCC 1324-1327); Describe the nature and role of the domestic church. 

Here is a link to our diocesan Religion standards:

I will be using the Spirit of Truth books to guide my units and lessons. Please click below for more information: