
The following is an overview of the first grade curriculum. Click on any of the textbook photos to visit the website for more information.


We will be using the Journeys Common Core Series. This includes a series of textbooks with a weekly story and a workbook to practice phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, writing and grammar. Each week we will learn a new phonics skill, comprehension strategy, 6-8 sight words and decoding strategies. Reading skills will be outlined in the weekly newsletter and tested on Friday.


Our math curriculum comes from the Go Math! Series and is used school-wide. Topics include: basic addition and subtraction, addition and subtraction strategies, place value, numbers to 120, comparing numbers, two-digit addition and subtraction, geometry and measurement. Students will also take a weekly timed test to improve fact fluency for addition and subtraction 1-20. Students will be timed for 3 minutes to complete 50 facts. The tests increase with difficulty as they are mastered. After the 12 +/- tests are completed, students will move on to multiplication.

Social Studies

We will use the Harcourt Social Studies text and workbooks for our Social Studies curriculum. Topics include Rules and Laws, Where People Live, Our Country, Our Changing World, Cultures and Basic Economics.


We will be using the Harcourt Science Textbook for our science curriculum. Science and social studies are taught on a rotation. We will complete one chapter in social studies and then switch to science. Topics discussed in our science curriculum include living vs. non-living things, plants and animals, adaptations, habitats, earth landforms and bodies of water, weather and seasons, states of matter and forms of energy.


Our religion curriculum is based on the We Believe series from Sadlier. Along with daily prayer and reflection, we will spend time each day reading about God's love for us and how we can spread His love to others. We will also be discussing the history of the Catholic church and the Sacraments given to us by Jesus.