Science at St Joseph's

Science is an exciting and very important subject. Every part of our lives – health, materials and engineering – relies on Scientific understanding. Science can be separated into three main subjects:

  • Biology – the study of living organisms and their environment.

  • Chemistry – how substances react and how we can make new useful materials.

  • Physics – how objects interact with each other as well as electricity, space etc.

All three subjects are taught in every year in different combinations. For more information click on the relevant link above to take you to that Key Stage.

Years 7, 8 & 9

Years 10 & 11

Years 12 & 13

Science Concepts Curriculum

As a core subject in the curriculum we recognise how important it is to ensure students make progression year on year. To facilitate this we are developing a Concept-based Curriculum in Science. We have identified key concepts (Themes) in Biology, Chemistry and Physics:

B1 Cells and cellular processes

B2 Biological systems for life

B3 Organisms and their environment

C1 Materials and their properties

C2 Chemical changes

C3 Our earth and its atmosphere

P1 Energy

P2 Forces and fields

P3 Matter and materials

Our aim is to restructure the curriculum so that students and parents can see more clearly how progress is being made in each Concept, and how the ideas in each Concept develop all the way from Year 7 to Year 13.

Science Concept Curriculum Plan: all Key Stages

Science Concept Curriculum.pptx.pdf

Science Progression Models: all Key Stages

Science Progression Maps.pptx
BTEC Applied Science entry 2022 vLQ.mp4

Contact Us

If you require more information regarding this subject’s curriculum please contact the curriculum leader via the school office: