Essential Questions


Who is Mike the Chicken?

  • Mike the Chicken was a chicken that lived for 18 months without a head.


How did Mike lose his head?

  • The lifespan of a normal chicken is 5 to 10 years.


How did Mike survive for 18 months without a head?

  • His owner, Olsen, took an ax and chopped it off.


What is the normal life-span of a chicken?

  • Mike survived for 18 months because a chicken's brain is located in the back of its eyes. When Olsen, Mike’s owner, took the ax to him, he didn't sever the nervous system.


What is the science behind a chicken's brain and nervous system?

  • A chicken’s brain is located at the top of its neck, behind the eyes. The nervous system travels down from their brain to their spinal cord.