
1.How did the story start?

I will be talking about the essential questions I made to go along with my project on the Navajo legend of the skinwalker. Basically telling you a summary of what I’ve grown up with and what I’ve heard and seen. Because the legend spreads through different cultures and some of their known locations are very close.

The legend started with the Navajo Indians near the country of Mexico which is odd because not only do skinwalkers come from dry arred countries they also come from the cooled Appalachian mountains. So basically the legend goes that if a medicinal Navajo native or witch used the medicine in a bad way they would become a skinwalker or a bad witch who donned the pelt of an animal and turn into said animal as well as possessing animals and humans as well.

2.Where were they spotted?

Most skinwalkers are located in Virginia, Minnesota, Canada, Mexico, Iowa and many other places in the world but now a days they are known to be located on the legendary Skinwalker Ranch where there have been a number of sightings of them as well as extra terrestrial sightings as well strange things happening of past owners of the ranch where they’re dog will act strange won’t stop watching them and when they take their dogs out for walks in the woods at night their dogs would start to bark and whimper and then ran back to the house and the owner looked up and saw red orangish eyes in the tree above them staring at said owner and they went back inside their house.

3.What do they sound like?

From what I’ve heard they mimic the sounds of someone you know or for women with maternal instincts the sound of a baby crying but then there's a creep part of it where once your near one or close to one they’ll scream like an ungodly scream people say it sounds like the screams of a murder victim or the suffering souls in the burning pits of hell it’s just a very none human scream that if you were walking in the woods at night and you heard that run in the opposite direction.

4.How do they move?

I think they would move rigid almost glitchy or like what you would think how the crooked man would move just very none human almost like a human with a ticking problem and they would run very fast almost like the humanoid creature called the Wendigo which is a cannibalistic creature also from Native american myth so they are somewhat similar but ones more dangerous than the other. Navajo witches would possess you and Wendigos would eat you while you're still moving and breathing.

5.What is their purpose

Their purpose is just like some other myths and legends to keep kids from being out too late or staying away from strange noises or animals and to not do things you're supposed to do basically kinda like the Navajo version of the boogeyman.

In conclusion, What I’ve learned is to be careful about what you talk about or where you go at night cause if you aren’t careful the skinwalker may get you next.