
In conclusion, facial coverings may have effects on the development of young children, such as developing problems with language comprehension and the ability to distinguish faces. Students may have trouble understanding their teachers with their mouths covered. Despite claims from public figures that requiring children to wear masks should be considered "child abuse", there is little evidence that links any psychological impact on children wearing masks. Researchers believe children and teens will recover quickly once the pandemic is over. Some experts believe that mask wearing may become common place for some Americans after the pandemic is over. In this case, long term mask wearing may result in some psychological impacts. People may become accustomed to isolation and little social interaction and choose to remain recluse. However, this is not meant to persuade people to quit wearing masks during the current pandemic. As new variants continue to surface, the mask mandate may continue longer. People are more protected with a facial covering during the pandemic. If we continue to play our part and wear our masks when needed, hopefully this global pandemic will end sooner than later.