Research Methods

For my project I used many sources, including primary, secondary, and even a book. All of these sources are non biased and filled with information.

Primary Source

Nixon, R. (Actor). Nixon, R. (Narrator). (1974). Richard Nixon's resignation speech [Online video]. USA: CBSN. Retrieved September 2, 2021, from

This is a video of Richard Nixon’s resignation speech. He ends up apologizing and saying that Gerald Ford will be president.

Primary Source

Nixon, R. (Actor). Nixon, R. (Narrator). (1952). Checkers Speech (full version) [Online video]. USA: Richard Nixon Foundation . Retrieved from

This is a speech from Richard Nixon where he responds to rumors about him taking money. He said this speech 6 weeks before the election of 1952 when he was running for vice president. He specifically brought up his family dog, Checkers. The public reacted to this speech well.

Secondary Source

Hughes, K. (2021, September 9). Richard Nixon: Life Before the Presidency . In Miller Center . Retrieved from

This article goes in depth about Nixon’s life as a kid, about his education, family and previous jobs.

Secondary Source

Richard M. Nixon . (2021, September 9). In The White House . Retrieved from

This article is about his accomplishments as president. It also states what he did wrong.

Secondary Source

The Watergate scandal . (2009 , October 29). In . Retrieved from

This article talks about the Watergate scandal and Richard Nixon’s resignation.

Secondary Source

Gendler, A. (Narrator). Gendler, A. (Actor). (2015). History vs Richard Nixon [Online video]. USA: Ted-Ed. Retrieved September 2, 2021, from

This video is a debate of whether or not Richard Nixon was a good president. It does a good job at highlighting the highs and lows of his presidency. It also debates whether he was right in Watergate or not.


Farrell, J. A. (2017). Richard Nixon: The Life. N.p.: Penguin Random House.

A Biography on Nixon about family, presidency, and his thought process.