Comic Books through the ages

My topic is about the evolution of comic books into the now age movies, it covers from the early 1930’s to the mid 2000’s, 2010’s and to now. Learning about historical events helps shape the future for comic books because there could be some crazy historical events that is for seed in comic books. The people in the comic books may be closely related to the relations in real life. We could possibly learn of some ways to combat the things like in the comics. Sure we don’t have a flying man of steel, but we could try to see the strategies he used to defeat such thing and possibly mimic it.

Some major historical themes that I see between real life and comic books are sorts of religion like Nordic religion and Thor, the God Of Thunder. There were World War II adaptations from comic books to real life like Captain America and Wonder woman. There was also the adaptation of Afghanistan abducting Tony Stark to make them top notch missiles, it shows the mimic from when it came out as linear to the partial nuclear ban treaties in 1963.

My purpose for researching this topic is simply because it interests me. Ever since I was a little kid comics have intrigued me in a lot of ways. Such as if making a man of iron powered by an arc reactor is actually physically possible or is it just make believe. The movies also helped me cope with many things in life, so for me to actually research it through the years will be interesting and fun for me.