St. Joseph Apache  Mission

Updated: July 3, 2024  

Paintings Have Been Returned, they were dropped off at the Mescalero Tribal Offices by Deacon Munson in a U-Hual.

Thank you to everyone who helped us by getting the word out through social media, offering support and sending contacts, we are forever grateful. 

Items still missing include the feather adornments, traditional baskets and goblets.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces or Knights of Columbus have yet to issue an official statement.  We will continue to press for answers and demand that those responsible for this hateful act are held accountable.  

The hurt that this single act has inflicted will take generations to heal. 

A Quote from Keeping Christ's Sacred Promise:  A Pastoral Framework for Indigenous Ministry, p. 44, 2024.

"An unfortunate tension exists today for many Indigenous Catholics, who feel they presented with a false choice: be Native or be Catholic. Some believe an irreconcilable chasm exists between traditional Indigenous culture and Catholicism. For Native Catholics who feel this tension, we assure you, as the Catholic bishops of the United States, that you do not have to be one or the other. Your are both.  Your cultural embodiment of the faith is a gift to the Church."

Developed by the Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church/Subcommittee on Native American Affairs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). 


Apache Christ Icon goes missing in the Night

Secretly removed by the Parish Pastor, Members of The Knights of Columbus and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces

Listen to Audio of conversation with Deacon John Eric Munson, OFS (Chief Operating Officer) of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces 

The Apache Christ icon that hung in St Joseph Apache Mission was taken in the middle of the night while community members recovered from local wildfires that caused the evacuations of thousands of people. It was a shock to our summer youth catechism teachers and attendees to enter the church and be greeted by an empty space where the Apache Christ icon once stood. Mescalero Tribal Police were called to investigate.  When staff questioned the pastor about it he stated he did not know anything. 

Those responsible for the secret removal of the painting include the Pastor, members of the Knights of Columbus, and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces. 

After several calls to the Diocese, Deacon Eric returned my call and confirmed that they were indeed behind the secret removal of the painting, when asked where the painting was and if the painting was still on reservation land, he replied that “it is not germane”. I informed him that the painting was a gift to the Mescalero Apache people and taking it without consent is an example of the corrupt character of Father Chudy and failure of the Diocese to intervene. This shows that they may even condone this behavior.

 Pope Francis and the Catholic Church had just apologized for the atrocities committed against Indigenous People and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops just released the "Keeping Christ's Sacred Promise: A Framework for Indigenous Ministry". Despite all of work that has been done to regain the trust and build a new relationship with Indigenous People, this recent act of hate by our priest and the Dioceses makes it clear that racism and colonialism is alive and well at the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces.

Listen to Audio of conversation with Deacon John Eric Munson, OFS (Chief Operating Officer) of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces


Statement from Apache Christ icon, artist Robert Lentz

Statement by Robert Lentz, OFM

Retrieved from Kyle Haden facebook 

11th Sunday 2024.pdf

St. Joseph Apache Mission

626 Mission Rd. , Mescalero, NM 88340 

Please join us in celebrating Mass:

Sunday: 10:30 am

Rosary: 10:00 am

Parish Office: 

M-T 9am-3pm

Friday 10-2


Gift Shop Open : T-F 10-2

Food Bank: T-F 10-2