Contact Us
Email and Call us
St Johns Wood Scout Group is run by Volunteers for the benefit of the Community!
Leaders are volunteers. Normally the leaders will get back to you straight away but on occasion they make a little while to get back to you due to other family, work and scouting commitments. If you are looking to join (try for free first), please use the New Member Enquiry form on the JOIN page.
It is best to email to get in contact via
Primary Contact
Group Leader -(Alan "Q" Brake )- 0448 845 787
Alternative Contact
Assistant Group Leader
Primary Email Contact
Visit Us / Map and directions
Map link - click to open map directions on your device, but please read below for helpful hints.
St Johns Wood Scouts are located in the Ashgrove Scenic Reserve, in the bush next to the creek (at the old quarry) on the corner of Gresham Street and Waterworks Road (547 Waterworks Road Ashgrove). Look for our sign at the entrance.
Travelling outbound, turn right into Gresham St, do a U turn where safe, and turn left back onto Waterworks Rd. Immediately turn left into our driveway, which is well before the bus stop / large overhead traffic sign. A shortcut is to turn right from Waterworks Rd (Gresham St turn lane) directly into our carpark.
Oversize vehicles should keep left in the car park and can remove the bollards to drive into the grounds.
Visitors need to arrange their visit in advance using the enquiry form (for youth membership) or contacting GL using details above.
Shortcut directions below.
Click on the map for directions, or this map link.