St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Mass Times
Tuesdays at CSI 10:00 AM
1/2 hour before weekend Masses
Welcome to our Catholic Parish Website
Welcome to our Catholic Parish Website
Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.", sharing God's love, by living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
*In addition to our Prayer Chain at St. John's, we have started a group text. People on the list will simply get a text message with the prayer request and there will be no need to pass it on. If you would like your name on this list, contact Diana or Bonnie.
*In addition to our Prayer Chain at St. John's, we have started a group text. People on the list will simply get a text message with the prayer request and there will be no need to pass it on. If you would like your name on this list, contact Diana or Bonnie.
*Do you love podcasts and YouTube programs? Your diocese offers four programs to help you learn more about your Catholic faith and about other Catholics trying to live it just like you. Check out any of these programs by visiting or our YouTube channel SFDiocese.
*Do you love podcasts and YouTube programs? Your diocese offers four programs to help you learn more about your Catholic faith and about other Catholics trying to live it just like you. Check out any of these programs by visiting or our YouTube channel SFDiocese.
*Please check out bulletin for upcoming events!
*Please check out bulletin for upcoming events!
Take A Look At Upcoming Events/Schedules:
Take A Look At Upcoming Events/Schedules:
Click this image above on our calendar ---------------------> to sync this calendar to the calendar on your cell phone!
Click this image above on our calendar ---------------------> to sync this calendar to the calendar on your cell phone!
All events we put on here will show up on your calendar, so you will always be informed!
All events we put on here will show up on your calendar, so you will always be informed!