5th Grade Math

Course of Study: Besides the review of place value and the four basic operations with whole numbers, we will be expanding into the world of decimals and the four operations. We will also continue the work started last year with fractions and mixed numbers and working with the four operations. As time permits we will look at some more geometric topics including solids, plane figures and the coordinate plane.

Grading for each trimester will be approximately 60% tests and quizzes and 40% homework and classwork. My goal is to factor in the homework/classwork grade several times during the course of the trimester. At the end of each trimester, it should be very close to 40% of the trimester grade.

IXL Program: St. Joe School has added to its math program the website IXL which allows students to work on specific math skills for their grade level. Students will be assigned specific skills to practice from time to time during the year with the goal to shoot for mastery in each particular skill. The program adapts the questions to each individual student as they progress through their practice. Wrong answers are explained in detail before the student moves on to the next question in that particular skill.

This year students are using a consumable textbook and workbook for math. Students may write in both books and the books will be theirs to keep at the end of the year.

You can expect some type of homework every night, except on the days after a topic test. Quizzes are not announced in advance.