17 May 2024

Monday - Vocabulary day: dress as a vocabulary word, display the vocabulary word on a notecard

Tuesday - Dress in Sunday Best for Father Willie Day

Wednesday - Baseball day: Dress in baseball Jerseys and order a hotdog here: https://forms.diamondmindinc.com/stjoanarc/hotdog?token=1564586353

Thursday - Fiesta day: dress in bright colors

Field Day - please return permission slips to go to Festival Park.  3rd grade will wear orange.

*Contributions for Fr. Willie are still being accepted.  Click here to make your contribution.  

*despite the weather being warm, the AC is on in the classroom.  Please send pullovers or sweaters with your students*

Homework: Homework will be a reading log, spelling practice sheet, and math sheet

Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling words are: earn, return, swerve, termite, third, thirsty, thirteen, thirty, certainty, search, community, generous. 

Math: We are starting Mission 5: Fractions

LA:  We will focus on Nonfiction, specifically historical events.

Social Studies:  Will resume after this Science unit

Science:   Our performance assessment will be Monday and our final test on the Sun And Your Skin will be Wednesday

Religion: We will work on our May Saint of the Month project


Thank you so much to those who have sent stuff in!  The kids will enjoy them during their STEM activities!

Dates to remember:

20-24May: Spirit Week

24May: 12:05 dismissal, field day, 3rd graders wear orange

27May: no school

31May: no aftercare (8th grade graduation)

6June: 12:05 dismissal, last day of school, no aftercare

Every Wednesday, students may wear their Joy Is Our Strength shirts with their PE outfits or khakis.  If anyone's child is missing jackets or pullovers, please let me know!  The school has a large collection of unclaimed outerwear.

If homework is late, points will be deducted.  Students have 5 days to return work before it won't be accepted for a grade.  Exceptions may be made for special circumstances, such as absences.  Per the SJA handbook, 3rd grade students should only be spending 30-45 minutes on homework per night.  If your student is struggling and can't finish the homework, please just let me know.  If you can't log in to Powerschool, please let me know.

Grading System on Powerschool (can also be found in the student handbook)

A 93-100

B 85-92

C 75-84

D 70-74

E 69 and below



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Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter
Title of newsletter