Newsletter 03/24/24

Hello 4th and 5th Grade Families,

4th Grade ELA students will look at fiction and the elements of "realistic fiction".  In Social Studies, we will look at the founding of Maryland Colony.

5th Grade students will begin reading THE FIGHTING GROUND.  In Social Studies, we will investigate the Jacksonian Era. 

Math update:

We have started our unit on Fractions.  The students have learned the parts of a fraction and how to find equal fractions. We will be wrapping up comparing fractions and mixed numbers.  Next we will add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like-denominators. Also we will learn how to simplify fractions. Knowing their multiplication and division facts makes simplifying fractions much easier.

We are doing well with our weekly FACTS TIMED TEST.  Most students are working on the multiplication or division timed test. I did notice an increase in confidence when they had to study the night before when they took their timed test this past Friday.

I am going to have the timed test they took on Friday signed, so you know what they look like in case a timed test has never made it home.

This week we will spend some time on geometry since the students will be taking the MAP test next week.  The students have a skill plan in IXL that they can always work on at home.  The skill plan identifies concepts the students could use extra practice.

As always, please contact me if  you have questions or concerns. 

Mrs. Baur