
These are the team members that have been working on the Plant the Moon Challenge at St. James Day School!

Left- Katherine and Right- Morgan

Left to Right- Morgan, Katherine, Staten, Rosie

Preparing the tanks.

7th grade class

After going to Petsmart- Rinsing off the worms to put in the top of tank D.

Addison and Katherine

Pouring water into the tanks.

Online Conference

With Dr. Wieger Wamelink

Morgan and Cooper

Taking measurements

Left to Right- James, Daniel, and Morgan

Creating sand pellets.

Left to Right- Staten and Olivia

Taking measurements from the cups in the tank.

7th grade class

In the black light with drawings on them.


With giant googly eyes.

Left to Right- James, John, and Daniel

Preparing the cups.

Left to Right- Katherine and Addison

Observing the plants.

Staten, Olivia, Rosie, and Addison

Drawing T-shirt designs.

Left to Right- Daniel, Staten, Katherine, Addison, and Abigail

Showing off their green thumbs.

Left to Right- Front- Jon, David, Morgan, Addison, Zachary.

Back- Kennley, Carolina, Staten, Kaden, Bramlett.

Opening the free Aquaponics tanks that we got as a gift.

Our team is made up of 6th through 8th grade students at St. James Day School in Texarkana, TX.

Our team sponsor is Mrs. Nicole Ayers, 7th & 8th Grade Math and Science Teacher.

The mission of St. James Day School is to educate students in a safe and nurturing environment that instills high intellect, character, and compassion—challenging them academically, physically, and spiritually to achieve their highest potential as confident individuals and future leaders.