Friday 27th January 2023

A Message from Mrs Murphy 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to our new interactive newsletter format! We hope that this will continue to be informative and will also ease viewing on mobile devices. We will be developing the format as the weeks go on. 

Over the last two weeks we are continuing to receive positive comments about our lunch changes. They are still proving popular to the children and staff. A pupil voice comment which we heard this week: " Best lunch I have eaten all year!" (Chinese New Year Lunch). Thank you to the parents who attended the food tasting. We hope you enjoyed it!

E-Safety has also been a focus at St James over the last two weeks with Governors, Staff and Parents receiving training by our I.T Provider Eduthing. We are awaiting a recorded version of the training that we will be able to share with parents who were unable to attend. 

In other news from across the school

Reception braved the cold and spent the day outside learning about winter trees, identifying trees by their buds and stems, weaving on large scale, measuring how long they are and riding bikes. Reception children have been writing their own version of a story this week and have drawn some amazing dragons as part of the process. They have adapted our class fiction book, The Magic Paintbrush, to include all kinds of new heroes to write stories with an overcoming theme.

Year 1 have been learning about great explorers in our History lessons. They have loved learning about Ibn Battuta and Captain Cook so far! 

Year 2 visited Windsor Castle and learnt what it was like to be a knight.

In Year 3, the children have been learning about the lifecycle of plants, multiplication and division, how to write persuasively and the different layers of tropical rainforests.

Year 4 have been learning about States of Matter in Science and continuing their trombone lessons. 

In Year 5, the children have been studying Black and British in our reading sessions, learning about the forgotten parts of British history and its impact. The children have then been able to make links to our literacy book ‘Freedom Bird’ which focuses on America and slavery. Year 5 also had a visitor from the Chelsea Football Club Education Foundation, who delivered a session about discrimination. 

Year 6 have enjoyed a DT day where they designed, made and evaluated a children's playground. They created a range of structures using a variety of tools and materials.

As you can see, there is some very exciting work going on at St James. 

We are busy planning  activities for our STEM week which will be held during the week of 6th - 10th February. If you have any expertise in this area which you would like to share with the children during this week, please get in touch. 

Kind regards, 

Mrs Murphy 


As you know we take our Safeguarding responsibility very seriously here at St James 

The NSPCC has launched its campaign, Listen Up, Speak Up, which provides practical guidance on actions to take if concerned about a child. The campaign includes online training on seeking support and speaking up for children. They are offering a 10 minute Online training for all parents. Click the image if you are interested. 

There has been a lot of tragic reports in the news of children being hurt following attempting TikTok challenges. TikTok has an age restriction of 13 years old so no child at St James should be accessing it. Please see the parent information handout for further information.


Train Art

We were very excited to be approached by Weybridge Station to create some artwork for their newly refurbished waiting area. All the children across the school had the opportunity to do some Train art. Keep an eye out for it at the station! 

Homework Questionnaire 

Thank you to all the 109 parents who have completed the Parent Homework Questionnaire.  If you have not yet contributed to this, please could you do this by Monday 30th January. 

Social Media Statement 

Social media is being used increasingly to fuel campaigns and complaints against schools, staff and in some cases other parents and pupils.  St James C of E Primary School considers social media websites and apps being used in this way as unacceptable and not in the best interests of the children or the whole school community. 


Any concerns you may have must be made through the appropriate channels by speaking to the Class Teacher, the Phase leader or the Headteacher so they can be dealt with fairly, appropriately, and effectively for all concerned.


We have updated our Social Media Statement to reflect our position on misuse of Social Media websites and apps by members of our school community.  


It states:   

In the event that any pupil or parent/carer of a child/ren being educated at St James C of E  Primary School is found to be posting libelous or defamatory comments on Facebook, WhatsApp or other social network sites, they will be reported to the appropriate 'report abuse' section of the network site. All social network sites have clear rules about the content which can be posted on the site and they provide robust mechanisms to report contact or activity which breaches this. The school will also expect that any parent/carer or pupil removes such comments immediately.


In serious cases, the school will also consider its legal options to deal with any such misuse of social networking and other apps or websites. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, is the issue of cyber bullying and the use, by any member of the school community, to publicly humiliate another by inappropriate social network entry. We will take and deal with this as a serious incident of school bullying.


We respectfully ask that all parents read and take note of the points raised in this statement.

Celebration Awards

Celebration Awards 

Y1 Robins: Arthur

Y1 Wrens: Yusuf

2 Kingfishers: Evelyn

Y2 Woodpeckers: Marley

Y3 Barn Owls: Anna

Y3 Snowy Owls: George

Y4 Kestrels: Kenny

Y4 Merlins: Pia

Y5 Falcons: Luke

Y5 Kites: Daisy

Y6 : Children attended a Mayan Workshop so did not attend the assembly

Assemblies at St James

Week beginning: 16th January

Monday: Growth Mindset  - Challenges 

Tuesday: "The Best of Friends"

Wednesday:  We now follow Picture News for our in class collective worship, which discusses current news and reinforces British Values.  There is a home discussion sheet linked to each week and a newspaper to share with the children. Please see these in the image carousel below. 

Thursday: Singing Assembly 

Friday: Celebration Assembly

Week beginning: 23rd January

Monday: Growth Mindset  - Mistakes  

Tuesday: "Lets Celebrate Chinese New Year"

Wednesday:  Picture News 

Thursday: Singing Assembly 

Friday : Celebration Assembly 

Diary Dates

See website for more dates. INSET Days have been set for the academic Year 2023/4. More information can be found on the website here:  

Friends of St James 

Family Courses / Flyers