Friday 26th May 2023 

A Message from Mrs Murphy 

Dear Parents and Carers,

So we reach the end of yet another half term. This one has flown by and all the children have worked incredibly hard. 

Congratulations to Year 2 who have now completed all their SATs tests and again to Year 6 who are now already beginning to prepare their end of term production. 

Fond Farewell

This week we said goodbye and good luck to Rev. Louise Bishop who has supported the Collective Worship at St James for a number of years. All the children have thoroughly enjoyed her assemblies and she will be truly missed by all the staff and children. We wish her luck as she takes on a position in Higham Ferrer and Chelveston in Northamptonshire.


We would all like to wish Mrs Richardson a huge congratulations for receiving her 25 years dedication award from Surrey County Council. This is to recognise her longstanding commitment to St James and we are very proud  and grateful to have her on the team. 

Looking ahead

There is lots to look forward to next half term with Year 6 and Year 4 Residentials, Sports Day, Class Assemblies and the Summer Fair being just a few of the highlights. Please do consult the diary dates so you do not miss any events here at St James. 

Kind reminder

Please could I remind all parents that we do not allow children to bring toys or precious items from home into school. Whilst we know children like to bring in things to show others, we do worry that these could get lost or broken accidentally in school which can cause upset. Thank you to parents for supporting us with this request. 

Wishing you all a lovely half term. 

Mrs Murphy 

Safeguarding at St James 

At St James, we regularly remind and teach children about how to keep safe online. In February, we marked Safer Internet Day within school and children participated in a number of activities based on this. We thought it would be useful to remind you of this video, which was made for Parents and Carers by the UK Safer Internet Centre. We have also included a link with parent information about Omegle. We hope you find these resources useful. 

Spotlight on Art at St James 

Over the last week, Mrs Cowden and I have had lots of children visit to show off their amazing art work. 

The focus in Year 3 has been  3D sculpture and they have created fabulous Modroc sculptures inspired by their reading of Roald Dahl's BFG.  As you can see, these look amazing!

In Year 4, the children have been making plinth people and considering how to create wire sculptures. Great work Year 4! 

In Year 1, the children have designed and made their own tree houses. They are incredible and  show so much imagination! Well done Year 2!

Local History 

Year 3 had a visit from Elmbridge Museum this week to consider the history of the local area. They completed their own mini archeological dig to find out about Oatlands Palace. 

Music at St James 

Our Music at St James has been showcased many times this half term. Well done to all of the choir who sang at Oatlands Fair on Saturday 13th May. They performed three songs to a large crowd and sounded great! I know they are busy practicing for more public performances that are coming up in the Summer 

Year 5  stunned the audience at the  Primary Surrey Arts Music Festival at Dorking Halls. They sung a repertoire of songs about remaining positive . Thank you to the Year 5 team for supporting the children at this event and to all the parents who came to support the children. 

Year 4 are still working hard in their music lessons learning to play the trombone. Their teacher, Mr Clarke, is thrilled with their progress this year and we are looking forward to their performance to parents and the school later in the Summer term. 

This half term, Year 3 have also begun their trombone lessons. They have been working hard to learn both how to make sounds and also develop their understanding of musical notation.

Sport at St James 

Today, Merlins class have visited Cleves to take part in a Mini Olympics Games. 

The children had a great time were excellent ambassadors for St James. Well done Merlins! 

Year 4 Maths Challenge 

Last Friday, six year 4 children represented the school at the St Georges Maths Challenge . It was an afternoon filled with lots of excitement about Maths.  Well done  Arthur, Lottie, Toby, Summer, Ben and Georgia  for being excellent ambassadors for St James whilst representing the school. 

Pentecost Pause Day

The children have  all participated in a range of activities to celebrate the Christian festival of Pentecost. Father Damian joined us for our Collective Worship which was led by Mrs Richardson, our R.E Lead at St James. Father Damian,  Mrs Richardson and Mrs Murphy also toured the classrooms to see all the fantastic work that was completed today. 

Thank you from St James

Thank you! 

A huge thank you to the Niv family for all their hard work with the new beautiful flower bed outside the school office. (  

Also a big thank you to the Patel family for their generous donation towards St James' gardens, which funded the new plants in this area. 

In other gardening news, we have also received our wildflower seeds from his Majesty King Charles III which we will be planting over the next few weeks. 

Celebration Awards and Lunchtime Awards

Celebration Awards and Lunchtime Awards: 

Y1 Wrens:  Denise Y2 Kingfishers: Finlay Y2 Woodpeckers: Livia

Y3 Barn Owls: Isabel B / Yasmin / Mabel Y3 Barn Owls: Sam S

Y5 Falcons: Archie

Platinum Awards: 

R Ducklings: Aniela / Can / Isla / Keeyan / Lydia / Noah / Obaida / Olive / Rosie / Tabitha / Tilly

Y1 Wrens: Thomas / Stephen

Y2 Woodpeckers: Avie / Jacob / Isla

Y4 Merlins: Summer

Y5 Kites: Evie

House Points (this week)









Collective Worship at St James

Week beginning:  5th June.

Monday:   Inclusive Leaders

Tuesday: Farewell Assembly

Wednesday:  French Singing Assembly

Thursday: Singing 

Friday: Pentecost 

St James' Church, Weybridge

Diary Dates


Fri 26 May Merlins - Mini Olympics 

29 May - 2 June Half Term

Mon 5th June INSET Day - School Closed

Thurs 8th June Y6 - Junior Citizens (Elmbridge Civic Centre)

Friday 9 June 'Break the rules' - Mufti day

Tues 13 June 'Someone Special' stall - (during school)

Y6 Leavers service at Guildford Cathedral (students only)

District Sports  

19 - 21 June Y6 Residential - Brenscombe

20 June LEAVERS service at St James Church

Sat 24 June Weybridge Community Fair

Wed 28 June Y5 ASSEMBLY - 2.30pm

Thurs 29 June Parent Discussion Forum - Behaviour 8.45am - 9.30am

Fri 30 June Sports Day - Reception / KS1 / KS2

Wed 5 July Y3 ASSEMBLY - 2.30pm

6 - 7 July Y4 Residential - Ufton Court

Tues 11 July Y4 ASSEMBLY - 2.30pm

Wed 12 July Reception (End of EYFS celebration) - 9.30am

Wed 12 July Y1 ASSEMBLY - 2.30pm

Wed 12 &  Thurs 13 July Y6 Production (Parents and Carers) - 7pm - PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE.

Thurs 13 July Reception - cake sale

Sat 15 July FRIENDS Summer Fair

Wed 19 July Y2 ASSEMBLY - 2.30pm

Thurs 20 July Y6 Leavers Party

Fri 21 July Last day of Term - 1.30pm finish - No Sunset Club

See website for more dates. INSET Days have been set for the academic Year 2023/4. More information can be found on the website here:  

Summer Lunch Menu 

Friends of St James
