Friday 21st July 2023 

A Message from Mrs Murphy 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Well, there we go! We have reached the end of the academic year and what a busy year it has been. It has been a pleasure to lead the school this year and I would like to thank all governors, parents, children and staff  for making me feel so welcome.  

This year has been busy one! Even in this last week there has been some amazing things to celebrate. 

Celebration of Learning Assembly - Congratulations Year 2

Year 2 were the final year group to host their celebration of learning and what a treat it was. They displayed so much learning from across the curriculum and their beautiful singing brought tears to many eyes. Well done Year 2! 

Year 6 Leavers Service

The Year 6 children held their leavers service at St James Church where they reflected on their time at St James. Through poetry, readings and song they showed the parents and Year 5 their fond memories of St James. Well done Year 6!  Thank you to Father Damian and the church who presented each child with their very own Bible. 

Summer Fair

On Saturday, we battled against the wind to host the annual Summer Fair at St James. The turn out was fantastic so thank you to all the parents and carers who came on Saturday. My thanks also go out to all the parent volunteers who have put so much effort into this fair, particularly Daisy Huntington and Louise Green who have worked tirelessly to secure sponsorship and organise all the activities. Thank you also to all the staff who gave up their time to help run the bouncy castle stall. 

Leavers Party

Last night, the Year 6 Parents held a fantastic leavers party for the children. It was so much fun filled with Foam Party, Silent Disco, BBQs and Mocktails. Thank you so much to all the parents who put this together, especially Emma Holborow and Priti Wilson who coordinated the event. 

SATs Results

As you know the Year 6 children work towards statutory assessments and we are always so proud of what they achieve at St James. 

This year we are very pleased to announce that yet again the children of St James have scored above National Averages. 

The results for our school are that 67% of pupils reached the expected national standard in reading, writing and maths. The percentage reaching the expected standard in individual subjects was 82% in reading, 84% in grammar, punctuation and spelling, 76% in mathematics, 81% in the teacher assessment for writing and 83% in the teacher assessment for science. The average test scaled scores were 107 in reading, 107 in grammar, punctuation and spelling and 104 in mathematics.

National data for 2023 showed that 59% of pupils reached the expected national standard in reading, writing and maths. The percentage reaching the expected standard in individual subjects was 73% in reading, 72% in grammar, punctuation and spelling, 73% in mathematics and 71% in the teacher assessment for writing. The average test scaled scores were 105 in reading, 105 in grammar, punctuation and spelling and 104 in mathematics.

Congratulations to all the children who worked so hard to achieve their results. We are incredibly proud of you all!

Fond Farewells 

Today, we do not just say goodbye to our Year 6s but we also say fond farewells to some members of staff. 

Today we said goodbye to Mrs Littleproud, Miss Holden, Mrs Schofield, Mrs Versavel, Mrs Benson, Mrs Tomlins, Mrs Clack and Mr Beale.  They have all worked so hard during the time at St James to support all of the children. Collectively, having taught at the school for over 92 years,  so they truly have helped to mould the school to what it is today. Thank you all for your work and commitment. All the team at St James wishes them luck in their next adventures! 

We also have two longstanding Governors leaving us this year. My sincere thanks to Terry Gosling and Lindsey Roberts who have both served the school for many years. Their contributions have been significant in making the school what it is today so I would like to thank them on behalf of the whole school community for their time and commitment to St James. 

Thank yous

I would like to thank the Friends of St James for all their support this year. The school have benefited so  much from all the fundraising efforts. Special thanks to Claire, Gemma and Shaun who head the Friends. 

I would also like to say a huge thank you to the staff at St James who have been so committed to the school this year. They have worked so hard and I know this is appreciated by all the parents. I am sure the parents will join me in wishing every single member of staff a well deserved rest over the holidays 

Finally, I would like to thank the children of St James. They truly have been magnificent this year. Not only do they greet me with smiles everyday, they have all worked incredibly hard. 

I wish you all a fabulous Summer break and we will see you back here for another great year! 

Mrs Murphy 

September Arrangements  

Ahead of the holidays, we would like to outline the arrangements for the beginning of term. 

Drop off

School returns on Monday 4th September for all children in Year 1 - Year 6. Drop off will continue at the Infant and Junior Gates. Children in the juniors are invited to use either gate to enter school in the morning. 

All children will go straight to their classes on the first day with the exception of Year 3, who will be met by their teachers at the main Junior Gate and will be taken round to their new classes. 

Reception children will join us on Friday 8th September and will be dropped at their classroom doors by their parents for the first few weeks. This may make the Infant gate a little more congested so please be mindful of this in September. 


Children in Year 3, 4 and 5 will be collected from the Junior Playground at 3.15. Year 6 will be collected from their classrooms in the Annex. 

Children in Reception will be collected from their classrooms at the front of the Infant block

Year 1 parents will be invited to make their way round to the right of the building ,  past the current Ducklings entrance, and collect your child from the rear classroom doors. 

P.E Days

Please can children continue to come into school in their P.E kit on their P.E Days. We will confirm the final timetable in September, but for the first week back, the P.E Days will be as follows: 

Tuesday : Year 1 and Year 3

Wednesday: Year 4 and Year 6 

Thursday: Year 2

Friday: Year 4 and Year 5


Please note that school will be providing stationery for all pupils from September and there will be no requirement to purchase pens from the office. Whilst some children in the juniors may want to bring in their own pencil case, there is no requirement to do so. If your child would like to bring in their own pencil case, please limit the size of these to ensure they do not take up too much space on the table. 

School Bags

If you are planning on buying a new school bag for your child, please be considerate of how much space it may take up in cloakrooms. Children need to bring in their reading book, pencil case ( if they choose to) and water bottles every day. They do not need large bags. 


Please make sure that you have picked up all your medicines from the office. If you have not, please make contact as there may be an opportunity to collect this next week. In September, parents will need to bring all inhalers and epipens back to school, ensuring that they are in date and in the original box with prescription label. This will help ensure that all children have what they need on that first day. 

Vision and Values 

Over the past few months the pupils, staff and governors at St James have been revisiting the vision and values.  These are at the heart of what we are doing here at St James and set our strategy and drive for our school improvement. 

Having considered the views of all these groups we have decided to add Courage to our Values from September. This draws on the resilience and strength that all the children face when they find things hard at school and in life. Including this value will allow us to teach children how to show courage in tricky times as well teach them to build resilience when times get challenging.  

Also at St James we have reflected on our school vision. Drawing on our belief that we would like all children to shine bright in the world and display their talents, we have decided to change our vision strap line to  " Let your light shine" 

Our full vision statement can be seen below :

At St James we are a welcoming inclusive church school community. Collectively, we spark a love of life-long learning and ignite enquiring minds to explore life in all its fullness. All are inspired to recognise, develop and appreciate our talents and use them to illuminate the path for ourselves and one another. We kindle courage to share our light in the world.

 Our vision is inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:16.

 We live out our vision through our values of Love, Unity, Respect and Courage.

As part of our relaunch of this within the school, we have commissioned some artwork to decorate the hall. You will also see this image as our new header for our newsletter and on banners outside school and at the church.

Vision Competition Time 

To help us fully launch our new vision, " Let your light shine"  we would like all children to take part in our Summer Competition. 

Challenge: To take a picture of light shining in a strange or interesting place. 

To enter the competition, please send or email photos to the office with your child's name and year group by Friday 8th September. 

A prize will be awarded to the most interesting picture! 

Lunch enhancement for all year groups

Following the successful introduction of our new lunch system this year, the kitchen will also be offering a  third option of jacket potato to all children across the school.  This will start from September and there will be a choice of toppings across the week. 

For those children who have packed lunches in the Juniors, the Friends have kindly purchased insulated lunchbox storage units to help the lunches remain cool and dry . 


Please remember that we have updated our uniform policy so that navy blue tracksuit bottoms and jumpers can be purchased for P.E, if required. This decision was made as navy blue is more readily available at high street providers than the burgundy colour to reduce costs for parents and carers. Reception children joining our school in September will be encouraged to purchase navy blue so the burgundy will be phased out.

Weybridge Station Art 

As part of our community work, we have been honoured to be asked to provide more artwork for the Weybridge Station. Children across the school have produced some Summer Holidays themed art and this has been put up in the waiting room for all to enjoy. Please do visit this if you are going on a trip this Summer holiday.

Attendance  Success!  

As parents will know we launched our new attendance policy in December and have promoted full attendance over the last two terms. 

 As can be seen from the graph, our Summer term attendance figure reached our School target of 96-97% . Thank you to all the parents who have supported us in this by encouraging the children to come to school. 

Well done to Year 4  who finished the year on the highest attendance, and within our target. 

Gardening Club 

The Gardening Club have been working so hard in our allotment  this term. As you can see they have been so successful in their planting. It  looks fantastic. Thank you to Mrs Lawrence and Mrs Procter who volunteer their time for this club every year.  

Year 4 book covers

As part of their learning in Design and Technology, Year 4 have designed and made book covers from felt. It was amazing to see how individual these designs were and how neat the sewing was. Fantastic work Year 4! 

Mindfulness Garden - Update 

We are thrilled to announce that our the first stage of our Mindfulness Garden will be installed in October. Complete with two outside classroom gazebos, benches and rainbow archways this will be an amazing addition to our outside provision to promote calm and reflection moments. 

Thank you for all the parents who contributed to the Friends for this project, we will be putting the money towards some of the planters and plants to begin to grow in this area.

We cannot wait to see it installed in October.

New Website: Watch this space 

We received some feedback from parents that our current website was not phone compatible and was not easily to navigate. We will be working to refresh our website over the holidays so please look out for the change ahead of September 

Friends of St James

Summer Reading Challenge

Vacancies - we are recruiting! 

We currently have some job opportunities at St James. 

Please follow the links to St James page on the Eteach website to find out more.

Teaching jobs and Recruitment - Eteach – After School Club


Please note, we will provide a free afterschool club place for the successful candidate if they are a parent of St James. 

Celebration Awards 

Well done to ALL students. 


Collective Worship at St James

Week beginning:   17th July

                Monday: Moving On Assembly 

Tuesday: Wise and Foolish Builders - Clergy Assembly

Wednesday: Class Assembly 

Thursday: Year 6 Church Service and Moving On Singing 

Friday: Leavers Assembly 

St James' Church, Weybridge

Diary Dates


Fri 21 July Last day of Term - 1.30pm finish - (No Sunset Club)


Fri 1st Sept Inset Day - (School closed)


Tues 5 Sept New Reception - Stay and Play session

Wed 6  & Thurs 7 Sept New Reception - half day session

Fri 8 Sept New Reception - whole day session

13 Sept Meet the Teacher sessions  4.15  and 5pm 

20, 27 Sept / 4, 11, 18 Oct Y6 Swimming 

13 Oct Open afternoon - Parents invited to pop in and look at books. - 2.45pm

17, 18 & 19 Oct Parents Consultations


30 Oct Back to School 

1, 8, 15 Nov Y6 Swimming

W/C 27 Nov & W/C 4 Dec Y6 Bikeability

2 Dec Christmas Fair

Fri 15 Dec Last day of Term 

Tues 2 Jan Inset Day (School closed)



28 March Last day of Term (Easter)


24 May Inset Day - (School closed)

W/C 27 May Half Term.

3 June Back to School. 

19 July End of  Summer Term. - 1.30pm finish.

See website for more dates. INSET Days have been set for the academic Year 2023/4. More information can be found on the website here:  

 Lunch Menu 

If your child is going into Year 3 in September, they will no longer receive a Universal Free School Meal which is provided for all children in Years R-2. If you would like your child to continue to have a hot school meal, please ensure they are ordered through the SCOPAY app/website in advance. The cost of a meals for KS2 pupils is £2.70 per day.  

All KS2 pupils who are having a school meal should book in advance through SCOPAY.


Surrey Arts - Holiday activities - Surrey County Council (

Surrey Arts holiday activities including SMASH (Surrey Music and Arts Summer Holidays) activities for young people aged 6 to 16 years old.