Newsletter - Friday 20th October 2023

A Message from Mrs Murphy 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

It has been lovely to see lots of parents and carers at school over the last two weeks, whether it be in school for our Family Support Coffee Morning, EYFS Shared learning, KS1 and KS2 Book Share and Parents Consultations. There has been great turn out for all these events so I would like to thank parents and carers for their continuing support of the school. 

Harvest Festival

Last week, we also held our Harvest Festival here at St James. KS1 visited the Church for a lovely service hosted by Father Damian. We then held our own Harvest festival in school where children shared the learning from their R.E Focus afternoon on Harvest. 

Thank you for all the donations for the Foodbank, they were collected this week so all the St James donations are already being distributed to those who need them. 

New Server for St James 

In other news this week, staff and pupils have all been very excited about the installation of our brand new computer server. After a successful installation overnight on Tuesday, this is already allowing staff and children to be more effective on our existing devices. The new system is now able to support a wider range of computing devices and programmes, which can be used to further enhance our computing curriculum offer here at St James. 

We are hoping that the number of technical glitches in telephone and email communications will significantly reduce now we have updated our systems. 

Visit by Tim Oliver from Surrey County Council 

Last week, the leader of Surrey County Council visited St James to look around our school and discuss how Surrey could support the school further in the future. We discussed key issues such as EHCP delays, SEND funding, road safety and parking outside the school.  He also toured the site and was so impressed by how friendly and happy the children were.  

Beyblades and bringing toys into school

Over the last term there has been a significant increase in the number of playground incidents regarding children bringing in toys from home. In regards to Beyblades in KS2, despite initial support of this by teaching teams due to social interaction benefits, unfortunately these are now causing a number of disputes which take valuable teaching time to unpick and resolve within friendship groups.  Whilst I appreciate that some children enjoy playing with these, as the children's learning time is so precious, it is for this reason that I will be asking that no toys from school are brought in from after half term. 

This will therefore mean that we have a 'no toys from home'policy, which will ensure that nothing precious gets lost or damaged accidentally. I appreciate parents support in implementing this. 

Additional community support 

Today I met with Kim Cole who is the Social Prescribing Link Worker for both Weybridge surgeries. She is available for face-to-face appointments, booked through the surgery, and can offer a listening ear and signpost to support groups related to medical conditions for parents or children, including mental health. This is a fantastic resource that I would recommend parents to consider if they require any support. 

Half term 

Next week is half term and school will be closed. If you are still in need of childcare during this time, Youngstars holiday camps is still open to book via this link .  Many food outlets are offering 'Kids Eat Free' deals over the half term. Further information can be found in the flyers at the end of the newsletter.

I would like to wish everyone a lovely half term break and I look forward to seeing all the children on Monday 30th October. 

Best wishes, 

Mrs Murphy

Homework Success

The children continue to do amazing home learning. 

Children in Years 2, 3 and 4 have achieved 6228 stars in total on Doodle over the last 7 days

In Years 5 and 6,  the children have answered 3592 questions over the last 7 days. 

Well done to everyone! 


At St James we aim for a whole school attendance figure of between 96-97%. This term our attendance is 95.4% which is below our target.  

The Year group attendance figures are as follow:

Reception: 94.3 

Year 1: 93.3%

Year 2: 95.9%

Year 3: 96.3%

Year 4: 95.7%

Year 5: 97.2%

Year 6: 94.7%

We are still seeing a number of applications for term time holidays and we would remind all parents that these will be unauthorised. 


Reception and KS1 Parent Coffee Morning - School Nurse Presentation; School Readiness.

We invite parents and carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 to join us on Monday 6th November at 8.45am for a coffee morning in the Lodge.  During the session Caroline Hollingworth, School Nurse, will give an introduction to the school health team and share advice in supporting your child in being ready for school.  We look forward to you joining us for the session.

New Autumn/Winter Lunch Menu

Please find below the new Autumn/Winter menu, which will start after half term. This is a three week rolling menu. All children choose from one of the three meal options at the start of each school day.  

If your child is in KS2 and has a school meal, please remember to pay for and book their meals in advance using the SCOPAY app.  

The Big Ambition Children's Survey

The Children’s Commissioner for England has recently launched ‘The Big Ambition’ to hear directly from children, young people and parents across the country.

This is an opportunity to hear from all children, in every part of the country and in every setting. The survey will be used to encourage policymakers to think about children and young people’s needs, to ensure children’s voices are reflected in the decisions that will affect them in years to come.

To take part in The Big Ambition survey visit:   


As we head into half term we understand that holidays can be stressful for parents, particularly if your child shows challenging behaviour. Please see the key steps to remember if your child is de-regulated over the holidays. 

If you need further support during this half term closure, contact Spurgeons Family Centre on 01932 229103 or via email 


Family Support Referral Form 

Foodbank referral request 

Collective Worship at St James

Week beginning:   16th October

              Monday: Mental Health Awareness

Tuesday:    Class Assembly 

Wednesday: Class Assembly 

Thursday: Singing Assembly  

Friday: Celebration Assembly 

  Celebration Awards 

Y1 Wrens: Caleb / Lydia

Robins: Finlay / Tilly

Y2 Woodpeckers: Beatrice / Adam

Kingfishers: Logan / Max

Y3 Barn Owls: Marley / Alias

Snowy Owls: Lucas / Lucy

Y4 Kestrels: Joshua / Daisy / Eva R.

Merlins: Phoebe / Yegor

Y5 Falcons: Molly

Kites: Pippa / 

Y6 Eagles: Dylan / Daisy

Hawks: Travis / Freddie C.

Values Certificates and Counter Collection

This week we awarded: 


LOVE: Joe / River K.

UNITY: Alice / Ki Sum 


We currently have two staffing vacancies at St James. For further information or to apply for one of these roles, please use the links below. Applications close on Monday 30th October at midday.

Part Time Teaching Assistant - 

Full Time Teaching Assistant - 

             St James' Church, Weybridge

Friends of St James

Diary Dates



Mon 30 Oct Back to School 

1, 8, 15 Nov Y6 Swimming

Fri 3 Nov Mufti Day - Chocolate Tombola 

Thurs 9 Nov Reception 2024 tour 

Fri 24 Nov Mufti Day - Bottle Tombola

Sat 25 Nov Christmas Fair 4 - 6pm

W/C 27 Nov & W/C 4 Dec Y6 Bikeability

Fri 15 Dec Last day of Term - Normal 3:15pm finish (no After-School Club)

Tues 2 Jan Inset Day (School closed)



28 March Last day of Term (Easter) - Normal 3:15pm finish (no After-School Club)


24 May Inset Day - (School closed)

W/C 27 May Half Term.

3 June Back to School. 

19 July End of  Summer Term - 1.30pm finish (no After-School Club)

See website for more dates. INSET Days have been set for the academic Year 2023/4. More information can be found on the website here:  
