Newsletter : 1st March 2024
A Message from Mrs Murphy
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been great to see all the children return to school with such a positive attitude this last week. All the staff team are well rested and ready for the exciting half term ahead.
Thank you to all parents and carers who have been patient with our communication challenges this week. We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. We hope that Arbor will have repaired the link so that we can resume normal communication next week.
World book day next week
As outlined in the communication this week, we do have our World Book Day celebrations on Thursday . We do have a visiting author who will be happy to sign books if the children have them already. There will not be an opportunity to buy Abie Longstaff's books but children can bring these in from home for signing.
As we have explained, children do not need to dress up of they do not want to and can come in normal mufti clothes. The staff are busy planning their costumes. As a team we have decided on a Fairy Tales and Traditional Tales theme so keep and eye out for the 'Three little pigs', 'Goldilocks and the three bears', 'Sleeping Beauty's fairy godmothers' and many more.
Parent consultation reminder
Please remember that our parents consultations are now available to book using the link. Bookings are open until the 9th March. This is a valuable opportunity to talk through the progress with your child's class teacher so please do book in for your meeting. We would like to have 100% of parents attend this year please.
Open Afternoon - come and celebrate the learning
As is outlined in the letter sent on 20th February, we are opening our doors to parents on the 8th March from 2.55pm to come and have a look at the books. Following the success of these in 2023, we will be asking all parents and carers to collect from the classrooms on these days. Please do remember that the safe dismissal of the children will always need to come first.
Red Nose Day!
On the Friday 15th March it is Red Nose Day. As part our our support of charities, we will be inviting the children to wear red mufti for the day. Any donations will go to Red Nose Day. This can be donated in the buckets on the gates on that morning or online (link to follow).
Reading Shed on KS1
We were very excited to open our new reading shed on the KS1 playground this week. Complete with lights and beanbags, this is a popular addition to playtimes and lunchtimes for EYFS and KS1. Thank you to the Friends who have paid for this.
Our KS1 librarians have written something to share with you:
"We have loved our role as KS1 librarians! We open the Infant Library every Wednesday lunchtime and really enjoy reading to the children in Reception and Year 1. Last week we had a very exciting delivery - our new reading shed in the playground. It was our job to choose the books and we keep it tidy every playtime- we all love being able to read at every playtime!
Asha, Elara, Adan, Finley, Hannah and Sasha"
Whole School Writing Task
Last week, the whole school completed the whole school writing task to aid us in tracking progression and celebrating our writing across the school. The focus of this term's writing was poetry and was based on the book Change Sings by Loren Long. All the teaching team were thrilled with this thoughtful writing from Reception to Year 6 . Here are a few wonderful examples!
Save the Date:
At St James we aim for all children to have the opportunity to perform to an audience and our Summer term Celebration of Learning assemblies are an opportunity for the whole school to 'let their lights shine' as they share the highlights of the year.
These are being set:
Year R - TBC
Year 1 - 18th July at 9.15am
Year 2 - 5th July at 9.15am
Year 3 - 26th June at 9.15am
Year 4 - Trombone Performance - 27th March at 10.30am
Year 5 - TBC
Year 6 - Leavers Service at St James' Church - 17th July at 9am
Surrey Youth Games
The Specsavers Surrey Youth Games programme is a unique opportunity to give your son or daughter a break from their screens and help them develop new skills.
Parents of young people aged 7 to 16 can register them to train with approved, friendly coaches, courtesy of their local council, before seeing them in action at a celebratory event in June. And the best part? It's all completely free. To sign your child up, visit the Active Surrey website.
Road Safety
And finally, as you know we have been working hard here at St James to improve the signage outside our school to improve the safety of the roads for our pupils. Surrey have now launched their own Road Safety . Have Your Say Today - Vision Zero Surrey - Commonplace
Best wishes,
Mrs Murphy
World Book Day Menu
To celebrate World Book Day week, we are having a special school lunch on Thursday 7th March. Please see the menu below.
If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, they are entitled to receive a free school meal under the Universal Infant Free School Meals Scheme.
If your KS2 child already has school lunches, please go to SCOPAY and order a meal for that day, as usual.
If your child usually has packed lunches from home, but would like to have the special lunch on Thursday 7th March, you can order your child's lunch by signing into SCOPAY going to Balances, Dinner Money, Top up balance, Calendar and then select the correct day. If you are entitled to free school meals you do not need to select top up balance, just go straight to Calendar.
We took a total sales of £2,172.06 at our book fair last week, which means we have an amazing
£1,303.24 to spend on books for St James.
Thank you for supporting the book fair.
Information from
Surrey County Council
Friends of St James
Family Support
The Foodbank are offering food bags for Easter for families in need.
Food4Lunch provides a bag of groceries as a replacement lunch over the two week Easter holiday for children who would normally receive a free school lunch, or whose families might be experiencing financial difficulty. Each bag contains dry and tinned foods such as pasta, rice, meatballs, tuna, fruit, custard, sponge pudding, squash and biscuits.
If you do want to request one, please do contact us confidentially on by Monday 4th March 2024.
Collective Worship at St James
Week beginning: 19th February 2024
Monday : Recognising Trusted Adults: Safeguarding Assembly
Tuesday: Father Damian
Wednesday: Singing
Thursday: Picture News
Friday: Celebration
Week beginning: 26th February 2024
Monday : Reading
Tuesday: Father Damian
Wednesday: Singing
Thursday: Picture News
Friday: No Assembly
Celebration Awards
Y1 Wrens: Nikolas
Robins: Erik
Y2 Woodpeckers: Alice
Kingfishers: Denise
Y3 Barn Owls: Maddison
Snowy Owls: Toby H.
Y4 Kestrels: Thomas
Merlins: Isabel
Y5 Falcons: Fajar
Kites: Katie
Y6 Eagles: Jem
Hawks: Olivia G.
Values Certificates and Counter Collection
This week we awarded:
LOVE: Eva R. / Olivia P.
UNITY: Alena / Oscar / Mithan / Daisy R. / Evelyn / Felix
Diary Dates
Tues 5 March Y3 Kew Gardens day trip
6, 13 March Y5 Swimming
Thurs 7 March World Book Day ( optional - dress up as your favourite book character)
Fri 8 March Open afternoon from 2.55pm
Mon 11 March Y5 Legoland day trip
12 / 13 / 14 March Parent meetings
Friday 15 March Red Nose Day - Mufti / wear anything red.
18 - 20 March Year 4 Residential 'Hindleap Warren'
Thurs 21 March Y3 Hampton Court day trip
Wed 27 March Easter Bonnet Competition
Wed 27 March Year 4 Assembly - Trombones Performance - 10.30am
Thurs 28 March Last day of Term (Easter) - Normal 3:15pm finish (no After-School Club)
Tues 16 April Y6 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' workshop. 9 - 11.30am
Wed 17, 24 April Y4 Swimming
Wed 24 April Y1 Wisley Gardens day trip
Wed 1, 8, 15, 22 May Y4 Swimming
Thurs 2 May Y5 Dorking Halls Primary Music Festival
w/c Mon 13 May Y6 SATS
Tues 21 May Reception - Painshill Park day trip
Thurs 23 May Mufti Day - 'Break The Rules'
Fri 24 May Inset Day - (School closed)
W/C 27 May Half Term.
Mon 3 June Back to School.
Fri 7 June Someone Special stall
Mon 10 - Fri 14 June Y6 Residential - Isle Of Wight
Tues 18 June Y6 - Leavers Service at Guildford Cathedral
Wed 26 June Year 3 Assembly - 9.15am
Thurs 27 June Y1 Cake sale
Fri 28 June Sports Day
Fri 5 July Year 2 Assembly - 9.15am
Tues 9 July Y6 Leavers Production (4.15 - 7pm)
Wed 10 July Y6 Leavers Production (4.30 - 7pm)
Fri 12 July Friends Mufti Day
Sat 13 July Summer Fair
Tues 16 July 'Moving Up' Morning
Wed 17 July Y6 Leavers Service at St James Church
Thurs 18 July Year 1 Assembly - 9.15am
Friday 19 July End of Summer Term - 1.30pm finish (no After-School Club)