Our Values

St Ninians Primary School Values

This is our values logo... you will see it around the school and on most of our school paperwork.

We are very proud of the work we have done together as a community to develop our school values. We consulted and involved our community in building a new vision and a set of values and aims that we all have ownership of and strive to promote and demonstrate; at home, in school and out and about in our community.

Our Vision

Our new vision, developed in 2017 – 2018, reflects the feedback from parents and puts our children at the centre: “Growing and Learning together, to achieve our best.”

Here is why we chose these words…

  • Growing and learning – this reflected the children beginning at nursery, moving through primary, and being prepared for High School and beyond; growing in height, knowledge, understanding, emotional intelligence, health and wellbeing and skills for life, learning and work.

  • Together – this reflected that we do not learn in isolation; that we want to work together within classes, across classes, as a whole school, with parents, partners and our community to provide the best experiences for our children.

  • To achieve our best – this is what we all want for each and every child in our school, it is also what we want for our staff; for everyone, to have the opportunity and to be encouraged to be the best they can be.

Our Aims

We wanted a succinct set of aims that clearly stated what we were about. Here are our aims developed in 2017 – 2018.

We aim to….

  • Encourage our pupils to take responsibility for their learning, promoting independent, resilient, lifelong learners, who achieve high standards and success.

  • Develop and nurture positive relationships where pupils are emotionally ready to learn, where everyone feels valued and achievements are celebrated.

  • Nurture positive relationships through effective communication and promoting the active involvement of our school community.

  • Engage pupils in high quality learning and teaching which is motivating, challenging and offers relevant experiences that meet the needs of all pupils.

  • Develop a variety of partnerships that will enrich the experiences and outcomes for all pupils.

  • Engage our community in self-evaluation, developing a culture of continuous improvement, where relevant priorities are considered and implemented as appropriate in our school context.


The following list were the key behaviours our children decided were associated with our values – to help us all think about how we can demonstrate and live our values in and out of school.


“To be considerate of ourselves, others, our wider community and our environment.”

· Take good care of other people and other people’s property.

· Always be polite to people.

· Respect other people’s religion and colour of skin.

· Show self-respect by having faith in your own abilities.

· Keep our playground, school and classroom tidy.

· Respect all the adults in the school.

· Always treat others the way you would like to be treated.


“To do your best and never give up.”

· Stay strong and never give up.

· Follow your dreams and goals.

· If you think something is tricky, still have a go.

· Set a goal and keep trying until you achieve it.

· Be determined to finish your work to the best of your ability.

· Don’t quit when you get something wrong.

· Try, try and try again.


“To believe in yourself, have high expectations and achieve your goals.”

· If you keep trying you will succeed.

· Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.

· Practise and achieve.

· Always try your best to do your best.

· To dream, then believe and achieve.

· Reach for the stars.


“To be thoughtful, caring and helpful towards others.”

· Help people who are stuck.

· Let people join in with games in the playground.

· Talk to new people.

· If people are hurt we can help them.

· Hold the doors for others and say thank you.

· Share things with others.

· Play nicely with others.

· Cheer someone on when they’ve done something well.

· Always be a good friend.

· Always use kind words when talking to other people.


“To make what you know is the right choice and encourage others to do the same.”

· Always be healthy and take care of yourself.

· Choose to act the way you would when an adult is there.

· Always make the right choice.

· Do the right thing even when it’s hard.

· Be reliable.

· Be honest.

· Be responsible.