Frequently Asked Questions

All pupils

Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I return to school?

The First Minister confirmed that infection rates are at a level sufficiently low enough to allow schools to reopen on a full-time basis in August, as a result our contingency plans are no longer required.

There will be a phased return for pupils commencing on Wednesday 12th August 2020 with each year group attending for one day only (see below for days). Following this phase return all pupils in all year groups will return on Monday 17th August. The safety of our pupils is our priority and I will send updated plans and procedures to parents next week including revised guidance for transport, catering and hygiene procedures.

Week beginning Monday 10th August 2020

Monday 10th August -Staff Inset Day

Tuesday 11th August - Staff Inset Day

Wednesday 12th August -Induction day for S1 and S6 only

Thursday 13th August -Induction day for S3 and S5 only

Friday 14th August - Induction day for S2 and S4 only

Week beginning Monday 17th August 2020

All pupils in all year groups return on a full time basis

What will be different about school when we return?

We are currently updating our plans to keep our pupils safe when they return. We will share our plans with parents week beginning 3rd August 2020.

Why are we having Induction Days?

Have a phased return helps us make sure that all pupils are familiar with our new school routines.

If I feel I need to speak to someone about everything that is going on, where can I get support?

We’ve put information about websites to access with free phone lines and text services on the school website:

You can also email the PSD Team on the following email account and someone will get back to you:

This link will take you to all of the current updates from Stirling Council:

BGE - S1-S3

Broad General Education

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a S1 pupil, when will I get my chromebook?

We are hoping that the S1 chromebooks will be delivered shortly. We will issue to pupils as soon as we can.

I am an S2 pupil, will I still be able to ‘swap out’ my Chromebook?

We made good progress with this prior to the school closure. If you missed this opportunity then we will arrange for this to happen when you return to school. Please bring your Chromebook to school during the Induction day.

Senior Phase - S4-S6

Please note that this document will be updated frequently to reflect updates provided by SQA and others. Come back again if you require further information.

Guidance for Learners, Parents and Carers

When will I receive my results?

The SQA aims to issue your grade and your exam certificate no later than Tuesday 4th August 2020.

Further information about how the SQA will deliver results in 2020 (issued Monday 20th April) can be found here:

Delivering Results in 2020

Where can I get more information? (Updated July/August 2020)

FAQ on SQA matters for Pupils and Parent/Carers can be accessed here, this includes information on how to appeal your grade if you are not happy with your results.

FAQ on National Qualifications for Pupils and Parent/Carers

For pupils that require a priority appeal because their result directly impacts their entry requirements for university, college, training or employment, you can contact the school office school from Tuesday 4th August on 01786 470962 . The deadline for submission of this request to the SQA is the 14th August.

For pupils that require a non-priority appeal, the deadline for submission to the SQA is later. We will work directly with these pupils and departments upon school return to organise appeals and steer pupils through the process.

For all other queries, please contact the school office in the usual way.

Option Choices (S5/6) - Changes to timetable

There will be an opportunity for pupils to speak to an adviser during the induction days in August.

Other sources of help for pupils receiving their SQA results:

Skills Development Scotland helpline

The SDS lines open at 8am on 4 August after pupils receive their results. The Results Helpline will be open on August 4 and 5 from 8am to 8pm, August 6 and 7 from 9am-5pm and August 10 to 12 from 9am-5pm.

A team SDS’s professionally qualified careers advisers from across Scotland offers unique access to information on UCAS course vacancies at college and universities across the UK, Confirmation and Clearing, advice about Modern Apprenticeships, employment and training opportunities.

The helpline number is 0808 100 8000.

You can also contact your school Careers Adviser, Julia Mitchell for career information, advice and guidance at, or visit


You can track to progress of your UCAS application by signing in to

For information on clearing -

Developing the Young Workforce

Miss Kettles and Mrs Palmer will continue to post job opportunities for school leavers and those looking for part-time work on their google classroom. They are also available through this platform to support with C.V. Writing, Covering Letters, Job applications and interview advice. You can join this class using the following code: 5vszeqg. The Fast Group will continue to be supported in the usual way.

PSD Team

The PSD Team is also available to support you with any concerns or worries that you may have and they will be happy to signpost you to the most relevant source of support. You can contact Mr Curran, Mrs Sinclair, Mrs McGeehan, Mr Paoli, Mrs Hagan and Mrs Farrugia by emailing:

Do I still need to complete a Leavers Form?

Yes, this provides us with very important information that allows us to move forward with our planning for next year and allow us to continue to offer support, if required, after you have left us. We are working on an electronic version of our leavers’ form which you will be able to complete at home and allow us to maintain our records.

I have additional support needs and would normally have a TAC meeting in school to support my transition post-school. Will this still take place?

At this time, no meetings will take place. The professionals involved will continue to work ‘behind the scenes’ to support your transition and when things are back to normal a further meeting will be called. In the meantime, if you or your parent/carer, have any questions you can email your key teacher through: or

What if I have more questions

Please email any questions to the school and we will do our very best to answer them.