Parent & Carer FAQs

Can parents visit Cambusbarron Primary School and speak with the Senior Management Team and P1 Teacher(s) ahead of the school session in August? 

If you wish to visit the school before starting in August, you can contact us and arrange a visitation time.  Due to current guidance, we are not allowed visitors to the school during the school day, but can facilitate an outdoors meeting after the school day has finished. 

Can parents bring a prospective student to the school premises for a visit ahead of classes starting? 

Unfortunately, at the moment we are not allowed visitors in to school.  However, we would encourage you to bring your child to visit the school grounds outside of school hours.  You can visit the Primary 1 playground, have an explore and even peek into the classrooms! 

Is there a Parent Council in operation at CPS? 

Yes, we have a very supportive Parent Council.  Each class from Nursery to P7 has a Parent Council representative and all parents/carers are always warmly invited to join. 

Is there a childminding facility on site? 

No, we do not offer a childminding facility at Cambusbarron PS.  Cambusbarron Out of School Club closed and families now use alternative out of school clubs where needed. 

What are the attendance hours every day and what does the routine of a typical school day look like?  

School starts at 9am and finishes at 3pm every day.