Mrs. Lovegren's Kindergarten


Here at St. Timothy's we depend so much on the generosity of our school community. Should you want to help our classroom by purchasing something from our wish list please click on the Amazon link or the Lakeshore Learning Store link at the bottom of this page to view the wish lists and needs of our classroom for this school year.

Thank you so much for all you do to support our students success.


I am very excited to introduce myself as the Kindergarten teacher at St Timothy’s School. I grew up in St. Augusta, MN where I attended private school for pre K - 6th grade. My husband John and I were married in 2000 and joined St. Timothy’s parish as newly weds 2001. We felt such a strong connection to the community and have made many friends here. We have three amazing children, Kayla, John Jr., and Marissa. Our family moved to Annandale and became members of the St Ignatius Catholic Church when our children were old enough to attend school there. This community, for us, has always been so special and I am so very grateful to be playing such an important role in the education of these amazing children. I can not tell you how much it fills my heart. 

I have worked in a variety of careers and found a calling to work with children in the fall of 2014 as an Education Support Professional for children with exceptional needs. I feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to work with these children. It was during this time that I felt a continuous pull to go back to school to become a teacher. I attended St. Cloud State University and earned my degree in K-6 Elementary Education.

It is my goal to provide a space for students to feel welcomed, comfortable, and safe. I am a collaborative planner and so I look forward to receiving any feedback that you may have to build a strong classroom community for our students. We will work together to instill important traits in our students such as a strong sense of self, respect, responsibility, making strong choices, and learning through consequences. All students are expected to work hard and make good choices toward their behavior. Together, we will make this year AMAZING!

Warm Wishes, 

Mrs. Lovegren