School Day Information:  School hours are 8:45 - 3:15 

School Year: Our first day of school is Tuesday, September 6th, 2022.  Our last day of school will be Thursday, June 7th, 2023. 

Arrival: Students will be allowed into the building beginning at 8:35 (unless your child is part of School Patrol). 

Dismissal: Please be sure your child knows how she or he is going home after school.  In the event of an unexpected change, please notify the front office; sending a teacher an email or leaving a voicemail during the day is not a reliable method to communicate day-of schedule changes

School-Year Calendar: Click here for the 2022-2023 Family Calendar.

In the event that students are allowed to ride an alternative bus home with a friend (this is dependent on Covid protocols): 

Please send a note with your child if he or she is going home a different way than usual (including riding a different bus than usual). This note is verification to us and the staff that your child has permission to go somewhere other than their normal after-school location. If necessary, the note will be passed along to the bus driver to ensure that your child will get off at the correct stop. Thanks for your help with a smooth dismissal during the year! 

Contact Us:  Use the drop-down for important school contacts

Please note that often we will only be checking and responding to emails and voicemails once per day  (typically after school around 3:15-3:45).  Contact the office directly if you need to reach us or get us a message during the school day.  Thanks for your help with this! 

Wendy Schmalz - 5th Grade Teacher (literacy) - - (651) 351-6618

Mary Barsness - 5th Grade Teacher (math) - - (651) 351-6626

Heather Carlson - 5th Grade Teacher (science) -  - (651) 351-6626

Anna Wilcek - Andersen Principal - - (651) 351-6606

Sarah Terpstra - Social Worker - - (651) 351-6630

Main Office at Andersen - (651) 351-6600

Attendance - (651) 351-6601

Philosophy:  All children can learn.  We will meet them where they are at. 

We believe…

Welcome to Fifth Grade at Andersen!  Educating a child involves a partnership between school and home, and we look forward to partnering with you so your child’s school experience will be enjoyable and successful.  We strive to offer a learning environment best suited to your child’s needs, abilities, and interests.


Below is our ABCs of 5th Grade (our digital family handbook).  If there are questions this handbook does not answer for you, please do not hesitate to ask.  Thank you in advance for your partnership this year!

Absences:  Please call 651-351-6601 if your child will be out. 

FYI: We plan to use Google Slides each day.  If you have access to technology we can send you the slides from any day that you miss.  If you would like them just let us know and we are happy to share.

Assessments:  Formal & informal assessments help us meet the needs of our students. 

Throughout the school year, teachers use a variety of assessments to monitor student achievement and guide our instruction. 

Band:   Band is on day 5 with Mara Syman

Behavior:  We use many proactive strategies to support students. 

Our classroom philosophy when thinking about behavior:

Tools we use:

Breakfast:  Breakfast is available for free each morning.

Breakfast is served each morning for free in the cafeteria. Students will eat breakfast in the classroom and will need to be finished by our Morning Meeting time at 8:55. Students will still need to enter a pin number for breakfast.

Birthdays:  We will celebrate in ways that do not include treats or food. 

In accordance with District Policy, we ask that students DO NOT bring birthday treats or food.  We will celebrate your child in a special way on his or her big day! Completely Optional:  If your child wants to bring in something to share with the class in celebration, here are some non-food ideas:

Cell Phones:  Students are not allowed to use cell phones or smart devices (such as Apple Watches) during the school day. 

Communication:  Open & clear communication with families is a top priority.

Equity:  We recognize that each student may need different resources to achieve the same goals as their peers.

For example, equity takes into consideration the fact that a student with a physical disability may require different physical supports at school than a peer who does not have a disability.  Similarly, a bilingual student who speaks a native language other than English needs different language supports than a monolingual English speaker.  None of the children are better or worse than another, they just have different needs.  Every child brings to school a unique set of needs, talents, and resources that prompt us to respond in different ways to each individual student.  Public schools have a responsibility to break down any barriers and biases that get in the way of students feeling safe, supported, and successful at school.  

Field Trips:  This is a great way to volunteer!

January 9th we will be going to BIZ Town.  This is a wonderful experience and we will need MANY volunteers, so consider saving the date now if you are interested in joining us that day. 

Flex Time:  Each day students will have time to catch up, deepen learning, or work with an adult. 

Flex Time each day is an opportunity for students to work on any unfinished work, special projects, work with an adult in a small group, or collaborate with peers.  Each Friday they will have an extended Flex Time which will include an email home to update families about the week.  If Flex Time wasn't enough time to catch up on assigned work from the week, students will be asked to catch up on the weekend.

Health:  We strive to keep our community as healthy as possible.

Homework:  The only consistent daily at-home work is independent reading (and any necessary weekly work completion). 

At-Home Work in 5th Grade:

Lunch:  Hot lunch is free this year.

This year lunch and breakfast are again free, students will again use their pin numbers to eat school lunch. 

Math Workshop:   Individualized to challenge & support each child.

Math Concepts Covered in 5th Grade:

Modern Classroom The Modern Classroom Project is a teaching model that involves blended instruction, self-paced learning, and mastery checks along the way.

We will be using the Modern Classroom Model this year in some of our subjects. This slide show and 2-page overview will help you learn even more (you can choose to read one or both depending on your interest level- the slides are more detailed).

Patrol:  5th Graders have the option to be part of Andersen Patrol.

Fifth graders have the opportunity to sign-up to be on patrol. Students can participate before school only, after school only, or both. If doing A.M. patrol, students need to be at school by 8:25.  If doing p.m. patrol, students would be done around 3:30 to be picked up (or walk home).  

Patrols may be assigned a variety of roles, such as:

Students serving on patrol are expected to be good role models for other Andersen students and take their jobs seriously, as they help with the safety of children. If your child is interested, watch for more information to come home soon! 

Orchestra:  Orchestra is on days 2 & 5 with Kent Musser. 

Reading Workshop:  Allows for authentic reading experiences & is an effective way to differentiate instruction. 

The Lucy Calkins Reader's Workshop has several consistent components:

Students should be reading at home 5 nights a week for  at least 20 minutes. They will track their reading on their reading log both in school and at home.

Recess:  Children need weather-appropriate clothing each day.

We will be outside 1-3 times each day except when it is too rainy or the temperature (and/or windchill) is -10°.  Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather, which as winter arrives includes jackets, mittens/gloves, boots, and hats.  If you need help providing winter clothing, please let us know.  Thanks!

Schoology:  The online learning platform we are using in 5th grade.

The students will all use Schoology once they reach middle school.  We have decided to use it for 5th grade in place of Seesaw to prepare them for the transition next year.  Students access Schoology through Clever (see more detailed directions here).

Science:  We have brand new Science Materials this year!

We are so excited to have a new science curriculum, Smithsonian Science this year.  

Heather Carlson will be your child's science teacher.  She is at Andersen on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please contact her at or 651-351-6626 for science-related questions. 

Shared Teaching:  Your child will move from room to room.

To start the year we will be organized into two home base classrooms.  Students will move from room to room at times.  Mrs. Barsness will be the math teacher.  Mrs. Schmalz will teach literacy, and Mrs. Carlson will be the science teacher.   Our goal is to be responsive and flexible to meet student needs.  At times students from each homeroom could be grouped together for certain activities or academic blocks. 

Social Studies:  Helping students understand the world they live in.

Social Studies Concepts Covered in 5th Grade:

Snacks:  Kids should bring a healthy, nut-free snack each day.

Students will have an opportunity to have a snack as needed during the day during designated times.

Please send a healthy, manageable (not too large or messy), and nut-free snack each day.  Here are some great options:

Technology:  In school students have access to Chromebooks. 

Visitors & Volunteers:  All volunteers are required to have a current background check on file with the office.

Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering.  

Water Bottles:  Students should bring a full water bottle each day.

Please send a full and tightly sealed water bottle with your child each day.  

Weekly ReviewStudents will email home most Fridays.

As students prepare for middle school it is so important that they learn to take responsibility for their own learning.  On most Fridays, students will send an email home celebrating the week and sharing any unfinished work that needs to be completed.  

Wishlist:  Please check out our wishlist if you are interested in donating to our classroom. 

Throughout the year we will be adding items to this Amazon Wishlist that we dream about having for our classroom.  If you are interested in donating an item to the class, please know we do not need these exact links and are happy to take gently-used similar items (this was just the easiest way to keep a shareable list). 

Word Study:  The study of words, spelling patterns, and vocabulary. 

Students will receive “Word Study” instruction and time to practice and study words, spelling patterns, and vocabulary.  Students will be placed in small groups with others working on the same skills.  The students will take assessments to help determine placement.  During word study time students will rotate between independent, group work, and teacher-led instruction.

Wendy Schmalz will be the primary math teacher for all 5th graders this year. Please contact her at or 651-351-6618 for writing-related questions. 

Writing Workshop:  Allows for authentic writing experiences & is an effective way to differentiate instruction. 

The main components of the writing workshop are the mini-lesson, writing/conferring time, and sharingMany of our writing units will be taught using the Modern Classroom Approach.

To develop skills as a writer, students need three things: ownership of their own writing, guidance from an experienced writer, and support from a community of fellow learners.  The writing workshop framework meets these needs and streamlines instruction in order to meet the most important objective: giving kids time to write.  The workshop setting supports children in taking their writing seriously and viewing themselves as writers. 

Wendy Schmalz will be the primary math teacher for all 5th graders this year. Please contact her at or 651-351-6618 for writing-related questions.