Welcome to Senior English!

Course Syllabus

Julia Boyd, Ph.D.

Room: 124

Planning Period: 10:35 to 12:05

Classroom Telephone: Ext. 5124

Email: jboyd@stillwaterschools.com

About Me

I am excited to teach at Stillwater High School for my second year. I have a BA, MA, and PhD in English, and I have been teaching for 17 years. I live in Stillwater with my husband, who is a chemistry professor at OSU, and my son, who is a 4th grader at Sangre Ridge Elementary.

Teaching Schedule

Block I - English IV - 9:00 to 10:30

Block 2 - Plan Period - 10:35 to 12:05

Block 3 - English IV - 12:55 to 2:25

Block 4 - English IV - 2:30 to 4:00

Make-up Work for Excused Absences

Students have the number of days missed plus one to complete missed work. Students are responsible for finding out what work they missed.

Late Work

All late work receives a 25% grade reduction and needs to be submitted within one week of the original due date. Students need to talk to me before submitting a late assignment.


I grade student work using a total points system and standard grading scale:

100 - 90 = A

89 - 80 = B

79 - 70 = C

69 - 60 = D

59 - 0 = F

Supply List

Students need to bring the following materials to class each day:

  • 3-Ring binder or large folder to store class materials

  • Pencils / pens

  • Paper

Chromebook Policy

  • Students cannot use Chromebooks for anything other than classwork.

  • Students are assigned a specific Chromebook to use

  • Students need to store and charge Chromebooks at the end of class

Misusing a Chromebook results in (1) a warning, (2) individual discussion, (3) call to parent, and (4) referral to principal and/or closed campus.

Cell Phones/Ear Buds

Students can use cell phones and ear buds during class, but they can only do so when it is appropriate. Everyone will learn and practice good cell phone etiquette. Excessive use of cell phones results in (1) a warning, (2) individual discussion, (3) call to parent, and (4) referral to principal and/or closed campus.

Block 1 Calendar

Block 3 Calendar

Block 4 Calendar