Login Information for 1st - 8th Grade

Below is important information for logging into various websites (Typing.com, Google Classroom, Google Drive, etc.)


Students will need to log in using their username@stgregorysschool.org. Their user name is what they use to log into the computers in the lab. The format is the first letter of their first name and their entire last name. An example would be my email address; my name is Jamie Casteel. That means we use a j from my first name and my last name, Casteel, for my username which is jcasteel. Then you simply add our domain @stgregorysschool.org at the end.

**Please note if you have children with the same letter(s) starting their first name you may need to add letter(s) for their user name. Again the students should know this.**


The students should all know their passwords since they have to use them to get onto the computers in the lab. If you're having problems please email Mrs. Casteel.

Logging off of Google Chrome

If you have students who are sharing devices it is imperative that they log out of Google Chrome. If there are parents using the same device they must log out of Google Chrome. If you don't it is possible that your child will not be able to log into SpellingCity or Typing.com

**Below is a quick video showing how to log off of Google Chrome if you need additional help.**