

Spelling/word work

(put your spelling words and work on a google doc and put it in your writing folder. Include a heading eg. week one, activity one etc)

Spelling test

At the end of each week ask someone in your family to test you on your 10 spelling words. Find the work sheets you need in your writing folder.

Look at your Thrass chart for the Graphemes listed each week.


( A grapheme is a letter or a number of letters that represent a sound (phoneme) in a word. ... Here is an example of a 2 letter grapheme: l ea f. The sound /ee/ is represented by the letters 'e a'. Here is a 3 letter grapheme: n igh t. The sound /ie/ is represented by the letters 'i g h'. )

Spelling Choice Board

Magazine Cut Out

Cut out letters from a magazine or newspaper to make your words

Type Your Words

Type your words using different fonts and sizes

Alphabet Order

Arrange your words in alphabetical order

Dictionary Meanings

Use a dictionary and write the meaning of your words

Interesting Sentences

Write your words in interesting sentences

Short Story

Make a short story that includes all of your list words

Rhyming Words

Find rhyming words for your words


Write two synonyms –(similar meaning) for each of your words


Write one antonym- (opposite meaning) for each of your words

Crossword Clues

Make crossword clues for each of your words


Break up your words into syllables and record it in your book

Look/ say /Cover Write Check

Complete this for each of your words

Word search

Create a word search that has all of your words

Follow the Swirl

Draw a swirly line and write your words over and over along the line

Picture Perfect

Write the word and draw a picture to match it

Colour Code

Write the vowels in red and the consonants in blue

Rainbow Spelling

Write your words 5 times in different colours


Pick 3 words from your list and brainstorm words that belong to the same word family

Eg create- creative creativity creatively creation

More words

Pick 2 of your words and using these letters make as many other words as you can

Poem Time

Pick one of your words and make an acrostic poem using the letters in the word