St giles academy

Success and happiness for every child.

We seek to inspire greatness in every child and to equip them with the outcomes, life skills and personal attributes to lead successful, happy and safe lives

For more information please visit our full website by clicking here.

Introduction from Mr Milner

Free school meals applications

If you have not done so already and think your child or children may be eligible for free school meals, please visit the link below to apply and check your eligibility.

What are we reading?

As part of our enjoyment of reading, each class has a class novel that they read every day. Here is a list of what each class is reading:

Dragon, Butterfly and Ladybird classes are sharing a range of books linked to their learning and based on the children's interests.

Class 1 - The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl

Class 2 - George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl

Class 3 - Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown

Class 4 - The Twits by Roald Dahl

Class 5 - George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl

Class 6 - The BFG by Roald Dahl

Class 7 - Double Act by Jacqueline Wilson

Class 8 - Stinkbomb and Ketchup-Face and the Great Big Story Nickers by John Dougherty

Class 9 - The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson-Burnett

Class 10 - The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q Rauf

Class 11 - Pax by Sara Pennypacker

Class 12 - Pax by Sara Pennypacker

Our reading area

Here are the latest photos of our reading displays, sharing our predictions about the books we are looking at in our English lessons.

Our words of the week:

Mr Milner: crisis

Year 1: weigh

Year 2: possession

Year 3: shimmer

Year 4: blunder

Year 5: canine

Year 6: audacious


Congratulations to all those classes who have attendance over 96% this week! Congratulations to Mrs Hodgin's class for winning the Wheel of Fortune, they had an extra playtime today!

Please can I remind parents/cares that it is your responsibility to let us know if your child is ill or if they have a medical appointment. There are a number of ways you can reach us e.g. ClassDojo, private message on Facebook or by contacting the school office on 786760. Thanks, Mr Milner.

Dragons - 94%

Butterflies - 85%

Ladybirds - 93%

Class 1 - 97%

Class 2 - 92%

Class 3 - 99%

Class 4 - 96%

Class 5 - 94%

Class 6 - 95%

Class 7 - 92%

Class 8 - 96%

Class 9 - 95%

Class 10 - 92%

Class 11 - 88%

Class 12 - 96%

Year group focus - Year 1

Year group focus - Year 5

Over the last few weeks, the Mini Police have been using their meeting times to help the St Giles community. We have done a litter pick around school, collecting lots of rubbish left from break time snacks. We have also started to make reduce, reuse and recycle posters based on this week's personal development theme of recycling. Then we have been helping the Year one children and staff by weeding their outdoor area, ready for them to plant some flowers during their next Science topic.

E-Safety and safeguarding

Online safety -

National Online Safety produce online help guides known as #wakeupewednesday to keep children safe online. Please click on the the images below for information leaflet about playing safely online.

To find out more information about staying safe online, visit the E-Safety page on our website by clicking here.

Well being and community

For a wide range of support materials around supporting families with their mental health, go to the supporting mental health page on our website, by clicking here.

Our most recent stars of the week

Congratulations to this week's stars of the week, they are:

Dragonflies - Teddie-Rae for following the class rules.

Butterflies - Archie for being a positive role model all of the time.

Ladybirds - Robert for trying really hard in phonics.

Class 1 - Eadie who has worked so hard in her maths this week to overcome the parts she was finding tricky.

Class 2 - Frank for excellent listening during carpet time and completing his work independently.

Class 3 - Elliott for always listening carefully and trying his best.

Class 4 - Faith for always trying her best with a smile on her face.

Class 5 - Jamie for being a good friend, conscientious learner and putting in 100% in learning.

Class 6 - Demi-Leigh for showing kindness to a new member in our class.

Class 7 - Elinga and Chada for fantastic effort and presentation in all of their learning, especially Maths.

Class 8 - Anastasija for beautiful presentation throughout, but especially in her RE work this week.

Class 9 - Skyla-Mai for settling well into the St Giles family.

Class 10 - Leo for an impressive start to life at St Giles Academy.

Class 11 - Ethan P for effort and determination in his tests this week

Class 12 - Kobie for a great effort this week in all tests.

Book of Excellence

Here are the superstars who made it into the Book of Excellence last week. The focus for this half term is presentation in books. Congratulations to all of them for their outstanding work!

Year 6 Superstars

Every week, the Year 6 staff choose up to six children who have worked exceptionally hard and made real progress with their learning.

It was a really difficult decision but this week the year 6 staff have chosen the following pupils!






They will be wearing their badges with pride next week!

Upcoming events

Weds 13th October - School Photographs

Tues 19th October - Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

Fri 22nd October - end of term 1

Mon 1st November - start of term 2

Week commencing 8th November - Parent Learning Conversations

Fri 10th December - Save the Children, Christmas Jumper Day

Fri 17th December - end of term 2

Tues 4th January - INSET (Academy closed to all pupils)

Weds 5th January - start of term 3

Week commencing 5th January - Year 6 'SATs' Evening

Fri 11th February - end of term 3

Mon 21st February - start of term 4

Fri 1st April - end of term 4

Tues 19th April - start of term 5

Mon 2nd May - Bank Holiday (Academy Closed to all pupils and staff)

Fri 27th May - end of term 5

Mon 6th June - start of term 6

Fri 17th June - INSET (Academy closed to all pupils)

Weds 6th July - Sports Day

Fri 22nd July - end of term 6

Mon 25th July - INSET (Academy Closed to all pupils and staff)

Extra curricular school club information

Here is a list of our extra curricular clubs:

Monday after school: Y3 and 4 art with Mrs Smalec; Y5 and 6 football with Mr Finn

Tuesday lunch: Y6 times tables club with Mrs Taylor and Mrs Brooks; Y6 reading club with Miss Naughton

Tuesday after school: Y1 Fun and Phonics with Miss Smith and Miss Forman; Y2 sewing club with Mrs Gallivan; Y5 and Y6 Mini Police club with Miss Knight

Wednesday lunch: Y5 times tables club with Mrs Taylor and Mrs Brooks

Thursday lunch: Y5 homework club with Miss Knight and Mr Finn

Thursday after school: Y1 Fun and Phonics with Miss Smith and Miss Forman; Y3 and Y4 multi skills with Mr Richards and Mrs Neary

Friday lunch: Y5 cross country with Mr Starbuck, Y6 cross country with Miss Naughton, Y6 construction club with Mrs Wray

Friday after school: Y1 and Y2 sign language with Miss Forman

Breakfast club booking forms

Please click on and complete the booking form if you require a place for child at breakfast club. If your child is not eligible for a free place, please go to and pay £1 per session as required.

Week beginning 18th October breakfast club booking form

Week beginning 1st November breakfast club booking form