Summer Holidays 2019

International Day of Democracy: September 15

We are very lucky here in Canada to live in a democracy. We will explore what we can all do to participate in our upcoming third newsletter about Activism.

International Youth Day: August 12

International Youth Day is a United Nations holiday that celebrates youth and their contributions to society. Youth are a huge part of the climate movement. Even though many of us are too young to vote, we can still have a huge impact. If you want to get involved, you can check out Fridays For Future and Greta Thunberg (speech). If you don’t want to strike, just remember that anything you do is helpful, and that talking to people can have a big impact. You can also try writing to companies that aren’t very eco-friendly or writing to the editor of a newspaper!

World Elephant Day: August 12

Elephants are majestic creatures in need of protection! Some things you can do include:

- Follow ethical tourism guidelines

- Don’t support shows that exploit elephants for entertainment

- Do not buy ivory or other wildlife products!

- Screen movies such as When Elephants Were Young or Return to the Forest (both created by the founders of World Elephant Day)

- Ask Canada to ban the sale of elephant ivory! Petition: | Read about it here:

- Support organizations fighting for elephant conservation! For example, Moving Giants has a really cool mission: Find other groups here:

- Learn more about the cause on the official Elephant Day website:

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People: August 9

In many cases, destroying nature destroys indigenous homes/cultures and vice-versa. Many indigenous groups worldwide lead the way when it comes to conserving the land we live on. Take a look at Sônia Guajajara, a prominent indigenous activist from Brazil. She’s the national coordinator of the APIB, an organization fighting to protect the rights of hundreds of ethnic groups in Brazil. Watch here speak powerfully here:

Support her cause here:

Sign this petition: (This petition is not from Sônia Guajajara herself, but aims to protect the people living in the Amazon and the environment itself. I suggest reading the article next to it as well.)

International Tiger Day: July 29

Fewer than 4000 tigers are left in the wild, there has been increases in the tiger population in recent years, but there is more to be done. Be a responsible tourist & consumer! Refuse products (including medicines) made from tigers. If you do visit near tiger habitat, don’t make a mess and try not to disturb the wildlife. And don’t visit sketchy locations where you can ‘meet a real tiger’, chances are that animal is not being treated right and you shouldn’t be supporting the owner. You can also support the work of organizations like the Wildlife Conservation Society: Finally, check out the endangered species section of our Animal Welfare newsletter for more on how to fight poaching and conserve species.

World Snake Day: July 16

Despite the general fear of snakes, in provinces like Quebec none are venomous and would rather escape than attack people. They are also instrumental in controlling animals that damage crops, such as mice and rats. However, because of hunting for their skin, loss of habitat and all the snakes killed by those who fear them, they are now endangered. If you want to help, you can check out Advocates for Snake Preservation and sign their petition to stop the slaughter of rattlesnakes in “rattlesnake roundups”, cruel events that have negative effects on ecosystems and perpetuate unfounded hate for snakes. Finally, if you live in a warm climate where snakes have a greater presence, educate yourself on what to do if one ends up in your home and how to face them outside. Learning how to avoid potentially dangerous snakes and learning to live with the existing harmless ones will surely decrease anxieties.

Sustainable Gastronomy Day: June 18

Sustainable Gastronomy Day commemorates how much what we eat impacts the planet and everybody living on it. Gastronomy is ‘the practice or art of choosing, cooking and eating good food.’ Sustainable Gastronomy Day was created for people to be mindful of the importance of eating healthy and environmentally-friends foods. This day is also to celebrate gastronomy as a cultural expression of the ‘natural and cultural diversity of the world.’

Some things you can do today is to buy sustainable food, for example buying from local producers. Another is to eat foods that haven't been grown with pesticides and other chemicals. Why? Because if everybody did this, we would see a leap in efficient use of resources, help fight against climate change, save some bugs that would otherwise have died and protect cultural values. Some culturally important meals here in Quebec include La Tourtière, maple pies, shepherd's pie and poutine.

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought: June 17

Desertification is when land gets degraded into ‘desert-like, arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas’. It is a serious problem, since this means that many people will have no more water and the land can no longer be used. In addition, if the desertified soils are restored, they will become a significant carbon sink. One way to combat desertification is to reforest (plant trees on) the area. Trees are very beneficial, since they store carbon, protect the ground from erosion, bring water to the area, protect from droughts and floods and can be a stable source of income for local communities. You can help reforest and combat desertification by using Ecosia, a free search engine that plants trees! Check it out here!

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