More Stuff


GTN is happy to introduce a new section of New Stuff For You!

Readers & Green Team members often find environmentally-oriented content that they want to share with everyone. We have begun compiling some of these great ideas into a Slides that will continue to grow!

Is there an idea, organization, person, product, method, message, etc. that needs to be shared with the world? Email us!

GTN Blog

"This is a time to be decisive in saving lives and bold in charting a path to a genuinely healthier and more equitable future through a just recovery"


Let’s be honest, for the vast majority of the population, it is impossible to live in a world where you sew your own clothes and cook every meal from scratch using plants you grew and construct your own furniture and power your house by riding a little bicycle. There are people who tend to blame one another for not doing some of these things, which is totally human, but not totally fair. The way the modern world runs is not sustainable, the average person doesn’t have that much choice as we are all, in some way, contributing to these systems. Not to say that these systems don’t need to change, they desperately do, we need climate justice (#justrecovery), to move away from fossil fuels, to manufacture less plastic and disrupt fewer ecosystems. That’s where activism comes into play, this is why we strike, this is why we write letters, this is why we educate one another and work together in our homes, schools, offices, communities, organizations, etc. All that being said, it is undoubtedly valuable to make things yourself… here’s why!