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What is Activism?

Many associate activism with drastic actions to impede change, but if you think you’ve got to cover yourself in paint, throw yourself on the ground and run with a pitchfork to be an activist, think again. An activist is defined simply as a person who campaigns for CHANGE in the world. This doesn’t have to mean protesting, there are many ways to be an activist. All throughout history people standing together in peaceful protest influenced change and pushed our world forward.

What is Environmental Activism and what’s this talk of Climate Justice?

Canada has declared a National climate emergency, this recognizes that if the climate crisis is not averted Canada and its people (and the world) will be in a whole lot of trouble.

Environmentalism is by no means a new thing, but there has been a recent wave because we are on a crucial tipping point where we need action to save our planet from climate disaster, pollution (of all types) and environmental degradation. Environmentalists understand that for humans to be safe and healthy, our planet must be safe and healthy. They also recognize that human activity is responsible for the destruction of many of the natural living systems on Earth and that if we don’t start living sustainably, earth, it’s flora/fauna and it’s humans (actually part of the fauna!) are in a whole lot of trouble.

There are many groups that protest with different approaches: there are more extreme groups like Extinction Rebellion (you have probably seen their sign) and more strategic groups like La Planète s’invite.

What are these Climate Strikes?

In 2018, Swedish student Greta Thunberg started skipping school to demonstrate in front of the Swedish Parliament in the name of climate justice. That action ignited a world-wide climate strike movement known as FridaysForFuture, also known as Youth/School Strikes for the Climate (some strike every Friday while others join in on planned global strikes). These strikes are happening all over the globe, from Finland to Uganda to Australia to Canada. Anyone can join! On March 15, 2019, over 1.5 million people worldwide went out and demonstrated. But why are we striking? These strikes demand political action to end the climate crisis (including sticking to the Paris Agreement, reducing fossil fuels, regulating companies and more). Young people are saying “we may not be old enough to vote yet, but we still have a voice and the opportunity to take action” because it is our planet which is being destroyed.

Greta Thunberg, local student leaders and climate strikers are saying this because we understand that it is near impossible for anyone to live sustainably in current systems and therefore political and economic systems must shift. We also understand that the science is clear and we must stop greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible (in fact, we need to make up for the damage already done). We understand that we must listen to scientists. We understand that the climate crisis has solutions, plus there is technology being developed, but we lack political action. We understand that there is still time to save the Earth, but it is short and the time for action is NOW!

We are taking back the future that has been stolen.

~ Some organizations to check out for more information: , ,

Here at St. George’s Elementary & High School we are having an early dismissal at 11:15 to allow students to join climate strikers at the Montreal march.

If you want to join the strike here in Montreal, check out this flyer:

Let this historic strike be the beginning (or continuation) of your climate activism!


50+ slogans to put on strike signs

If you’re looking for sign or chant ideas, check out our master list!

Have your sign be featured in the GTN! Send in photos of your sign, signs you liked at the strike or signs you’ve seen online! They will be featured here: . Email us your top signs here: !

Climate Justice: Slogans


Write letters to government:

Political change comes from pressure from the public, so have your voice heard! If you’re unsatisfied with how your local, provincial or even national government is combating the climate crisis/conserving our environment; write to them! (français)

Vote (if you can!):

We may not be old enough to vote yet, but we ask those eligible to use their right to vote wisely! The Canadian elections are on October 21, 2019, register to vote here:

~ Read about how 47,000+ Canadians are demanding that CBC hosts a climate debate: [English/1min]

~ Shake Up The Establishment aims to inform voters on the platforms of the major canadian parties when it comes to our climate. Compare Climate Action Platforms Ahead of the October 2019 Election here: [To conduct your own research, here are the sites of the major parties (alphabetically): Bloc Q, Conservative, Green, Liberal, NDP, People’s Party.] Our Time has also selected some picks for politicians they call "New Green Deal champions":

~ The environment has become one of the most important issues to Canadian voters. Tell the leaders of the parties that climate solutions are a priority and that you won’t give up your vote to them unless they take action. Sign here:


By purchasing products we are ‘voting with our money’. Boycotts are a way to avoid supporting ‘bad’ companies whereas buycotts encourage supporting ‘good’ brands. To boycott a product is to refuse to buy it, for instance, because it was manufactured unethically (ex: forced/underpaid labour) or company practices are especially unsustainable. Some examples include the boycott of palm oil because of the unethical practices and impact on nature. Brands like Canada Goose have been boycotted in the past. However, boycotts are hard to achieve since there are issues with most of the products we consume. Alternatively, buycotts encourage consumers to go for products that make positive change. For example, if you see Fair Trade coffee, buy it! Now you have coffee and you needn’t check a long list of coffee brands. Another example is a phone case, Pela makes great biodegradable and durable cases!

Write letters to companies:

Have you ever questioned the practices of a store/company/organization in terms of sustainability? If you’ve ever thought “I wish they used less plastic”, “I wonder if they’ll reuse this” or anything along those lines, there’s actually something you can do about it! Most companies have some sort of contact available (email, phone, etc.), so you can respectfully ask them questions or inquire about specific practices. Include specific suggestions and possible alternatives to the practice/item you are questioning (if you have any). Then await a response (if they don’t answer, you can send a follow-up)! We can’t promise they will answer you, but (especially for local/smaller organizations) there is a greater chance of a thoughtful response than one might expect. There is nothing to be afraid of!

Best case: they change their ways.

Middle case: you spark thoughts in them, add pressure and you understand more about how companies work.

Worst case: they ignore it. Nothing to lose, tell them what you think!

As consumers, we have a lot of power! Companies want to please us so that we keep buying from them, and if they see that people want them to be more environmental, there is a good chance that they will do something about that. Don’t underestimate your power, you can make a difference!

Spread the Message:

Learning and educating others is a huge part of activism! I’m sure you’ve seen many examples of activists spreading their message, some give out flyers on the street, some do speeches. It’s important for people to know you’re out there! There are many ways you can spread the message! Start with having a conversation with your family and friends. Here are some other ways to spread the message:

~ Hold a bake sale (with a cause!). As you sell or give out treats, briefly explain to your customers why you’re holding a bake sale. This also allows you the opportunity to bring attention to organizations where they can find out more information (for example: David Suzuki Foundation). If you make money, donate it somewhere like the Suzuki Foundation, etc. Financial support (donation) is another form of activism!

~ Use social media and the web! Lots of people live online, connect to them through whatever platform suits you! This small action may be enough to interest someone in further action or make climate awareness viral. Tips and reminders don’t hurt in keeping the climate crisis relevant to those who may not be too engaged. Check out how your websites can climate strike too:

~ Make some art! Attention all artists of all kinds, use your creativity to express your feelings about our planet and the climate crisis! You can sing, paint, sculpt, sketch, dance, write, compose, play, film, craft, capture, makeup, illustrate... whatever! Real visual artists, musicians and writers from all around the world have been drawing attention to the reality of the situation, join them! If you do use your creativity for the climate, please send it to us here for a chance to be featured!


Grab some washable chalk and write messages of empowerment, drawings, etc. in your driveway or on the sidewalk. Some examples of messages include: There is no planet B / vote for the climate! We do not encourage that you do this on private property! (seriously... that’s not cool dudes).

This little bit of guerrilla art is a great way to creatively spread your message and have it wash away in a week to make space for more.

Find petitions, etc. here & here. Petitions, letters & pledges can be found in almost every GTN so stick around for more!

Activism Music

Movements for change are a major source of inspiration for all art forms. One of the most prominent being music. Music is a powerful form of expression. Activist anthems have fuelled movements fighting for freedom, peace, equality, government action and more. We curated a playlist with activist music from folk to pop.

Listen to the Environmentalist Bops playlist on YouTube here:

We have also made a playlist for very young kids here:

We encourage you to make your own playlist! Share it with us here! We also challenge all musicians (& non-musicians) to do renditions of existing songs or to create your own!

In conclusion...

Every single person can prioritize health & happiness for all life on our planet. We need people to stand up for our Earth in every school, business, community, government, etc. It is our responsibility to challenge the staus quo! It may seem overwhelming or difficult, but it only takes a little perseverance to get past that mental block, to get out of what is easiest. And when we leave what is easiest, real changes happen. Even though we need them to, the big industries won't act because they profit the most from this climate crisis. However, markets cannot supply a demand that isn’t there. Moreover, politicians listen to the masses. Change is brought by people bonded together with the same message. Take a look at history, things were generally pretty good for those in power. So why would they change anything? How did things progress? The people pushed and pushed until their voices were heard. This has affected change before and it has done it peacefully. Do not underestimate your own ability and impact. Choose to take ahold of the power you have. And whatever you do, do not underestimate the power of youth.

Well, that brings us to the end of GTN 3: ACTIVISM. We'll leave you with this video...



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🌱 CREDITS: Julieta L-R, Shirley B, Courtney R. | With help from: Danielle D. & Brian F.

🌱 Much Love,